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[bit of mad Yoongi and violence at the end]

After Jimin was incredibly unhelpful in preparing for the mass, and was also uncomfortably touchy and clingy to Yoongi, he was sent to sit down next to nun Maria and listen.

He was surprised to see that the chapel is almost full of people, some looking bored, others making conversation with people near them. What he also notices, is that everyone is either way younger than him, or way older.

He sighs and sits down. A few minutes later, a soft throat clearing breaks through people's chatting and everyone quietens and turns towards the altar.

There Yoongi stays, book in his hands and wearing the white and gold gown. The sun light coming into the chapel through the multiple, small windows and the few candles flickering behind him, make him shine in a way.

Jimin completely blocks out whatever the man is saying, instead focusing on his movement and figure. His hands seem frail, slender fingers holding the book lightly and the veins visible through them, but Jimin knows he isn't weak, the palm slap punishment coming to his mind.

He is not tall, nor short, he is around Jimin's height, perhaps slightly taller. His black hair is just a bit parted to the left, looking healthy and soft, making Jimin's fingers fidget for a second, wanting to run his hands through it. Instead, he raises the hand to his own hair and messes it a bit carelessly.

The priest does look double as old as Jimin, but he has a weird glint of youth in his eyes and voice. He isn't as boring or calm and unbothered as other priests Jimin has seen before. He seems like he could be weirdly fun to mess with, thing that pushes Jimin to slightly smirk and get his phone out of his pocket.

He doesn't look up from his phone anymore after that, until the liturgy has ended and people start walking out. He can hear the chapel has gone silent from some point, meaning everyone has left and he is alone.

He looks up and is instantly looking in Yoongi's eyes, hard glare set on him, almost burning him.

"Had a fun time?" the sarcasm is clear in his voice.

Jimin smirks, "More than you would believe. Caught up with everything at the campus and Jungkook has finally found a new fuck buddy," the smirk widens in amusement.

The boy burst into laughter when he sees the disgusted face Yoongi shot him and slaps his knee hard, struggling to breath.

Yoongi takes Jimin's forearm in a strong hold and yanks him off of the bench and out in the hallways.

Jimin can only yelp as the priest keeps on dragging him, until they reach a room. Yoongi opens the door with his free hand, throwing Jimin in.

The younger screams shortly, fear breaking inside of him the second Yoongi throws him inside so violently. He breaths in relief when his landing spot was a soft, big bed.

Yoongi closes the door and turns on the light, warm light filling the room. He goes to the big, nude colored wardrobe and takes something out of it.

By the moment Yoongi turns around to show Jimin what he took out, Jimin is laying down, fear gone and forgotten, instead he just wants to tease the priest and move along with his plan.

In Yoongi's hand is a long, wooden stick.

"Never took you to be the kinky guy, but just to let you know, I am willing to let you use that one on me," Jimin bites his full, bottom lip and winks.

"Palms up, Jimin"

"Argh!" Jimin groans throwing himself back on the bed, "What's up with you and palms?"

Yoongi opens his mouth to shout at him, but Jimin is faster. "Wait! Do you maybe have some creepy palm kink? No shaming and I am a willing partner when it comes to getting hot and steamy, but just give me a second, yeah?"

Yoongi never felt as hopeless and disgusted as in this moment, and repeats himself.

Jimin crawls in the bed towards him, wiggling his eyebrows and lifting his palms towards the priest.

In just a second, the playful mood of Jimin turns sour as the stick comes down onto his palm, a sickening sound going through the room.

Jimin's eyes water instantly, lifting himself so he is sitting on his knees, and eyes looking accusingly at Yoongi. The older man seems to have a satisfied glint in the eyes.

"One for all the subtle touches you gave me while preparing the mass."

Jimin flinches a bit, feeling embarrassed that Yoongi caught on, but not letting down his act, still looking accusingly at the man.

"Another for disregarding the liturgy and staying on your phone."

Just as he says this, the stick comes down again and Jimin bites his lip to keep it in. No matter how much it hurts, Yoongi doesn't have to know it is affecting him.

The priest is expecting Jimin to take away his palms, but they remain in front of him, red and almost bleeding. Jimin is sitting there with a challenging look in his eyes.

"And one for the disgusting way you keep speaking."

Jimin's façade breaks as soon as the skin splits open and starts bleeding.


[i see people are starting to actually read this and it makes me so happy


keep voting and commenting- i am so excited for any sort of feedback.]

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