Twenty Eight

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"Have you ever thought of getting a pet?" Jimin asks while lying on his back onto the hammock, bored.

"You are here, aren't you?" Yoongi dismisses him, being preoccupied by planting some new roses in the garden.

The younger only answers him by pouting his plump lips dramatically. He is utterly ignored. He groans again and plucks a random flower in his reach to fidget around with it.

Looking up to it and then towards Yoongi, who is squatting over the plants, he suddenly remembers the weird dream he had in this same spot last time. He considers not telling the priest about it, but then he just shrugs.

"Last time I dreamed something weird." he breaks the formed silence.

Yoongi rolls his eyes when the peacefulness is yet again disturbed by the hyperactive boy.

"We all dream weird some times, Jimin."

Jimin scoffs annoyed, "When I was here last time!" he exclaims.

He proceeds to detail about the weird figure and rambles about his theories regarding it, thinking Yoongi isn't paying him attention. He is. He is cut off when the man leaves the rose bulbs half covered and comes over to him.

He kneels in front of the hammock, weirding Jimin out.


The man takes his hand into his and grip tightly.

"Please don't mention it again. Please. Let me breath for one second in this life without him hunting me," his voice is shaky, insecure.

Jimin takes his hand out and softly caressing the man's jaw, he pushes the head upwards to look into his eyes.

"I didn't know..."

His words seem to evaporate, mouth not opening to apologize for upsetting him. His small eyes are sparkling because of the tears and they are sad. Jimin's heart skips a beat.

"You are really pretty." he finds himself speaking, his hands going from the jaw up to the cheek and caressing softly.

He runs his fingertips over the thin, rosy lips, parting them slightly to make contact with the hard teeth. He caresses the tiny nose, then ghosts over the closed lids of his eyes, observing the blue, small veins visible through the pale skin. He touches the sides of his head, advancing his tiny fingers through the black, soft hair of the priest.

His eyebrows are slightly furrowed, as if trying to understand what Jimin is doing to him. The younger leans closer and presses the softest kisses over his lids, forehead and ultimately going down to his mouth.

"What do I have to do to make him disappear? How do I lessen the pain?"

And presses a peck to the corner of his mouth.


Material falls slowly, revealing the pale shoulders, then the forearms. The naked skin is immediately covered by small, chubby hands, running delicately everywhere they see possible.

The room is filled with silence, the only brief disturbance being the swish of the falling clothes. Their breath is barely noticeable, both of them hitching in thought of what is to come.

What this means to them.

Naked, they stand, somehow awkwardly, face to face. Jimin's body is lean, worked and covered in muscles. Yoongi is more on the thin side, frail, but sporting a bit of fat onto his hips.

The man flusters while comparing himself to the younger, but Jimin confidently presses them together, grabbing strongly onto the love handles presented to him and, suddenly, a wave of affection overwhelms him. He grips harder to the point of almost hurting the older man and just wants to fill himself with everything Yoongi has to give him.

Jimin chooses to take the lead, guiding the man by his hips back until the legs hit the bed and they fall together. The younger is on top, caressing the chest in front of him to calm Yoongi, as he seems tensed.

Yoongi watches as the boy sits down onto his lower belly, not putting all his weight onto the man below. He raises two of his fingers to the mouth, taking them between plush lips and sucks sensually while looking with hooded eyes into Yoongi's.

When they come out, spit glistens all over them and he grins shortly as he probes his tight hole, before inserting one and cursing instantly. He throws his head back and groans, moving the finger slowly at first to get used to the feeling. It's been a bit since he last did this.

After a bit more foreplay, he fits inside the second finger and bites his bottom lip to keep from moaning. In the meantime, Yoongi stares at him intrigued, a bit lost. He can't remember the last time he has been in this position and he sucks in a breath when his arousal grows visibly.

The moment the hard member underneath him grows enough to press against his cheek, Jimin takes his fingers out and shudder when he feels the chilly temperature onto his now slightly gaping entrance.

He licks his palm in a sudden hurry and wets Yoongi's member as much as he can before moving enough for its tip to kiss his rim. They both shudder at the feeling.

Jimin lowers himself onto it, fitting around half of it inside before he makes a short pause.

Struggling to not move the member inside him more, he lays onto the man, chest on chest. With a hand, he keeps himself steady and the other runs through the soft hair.

"Shh, breath." his voice is soft, muttered and soon lost into the large room.

They stare at each other as Jimin rolls his hips slowly, pushing more onto the hot length inside him. When he bottoms out, they both gasp.

Jimin straightens and when he feels Yoongi's hands shyly placed onto his hips, he begins moving up and down, their moans mixing. With skillful moves, Jimin brings the older to his climax quickly.

Yoongi flushes red when he feels his release coming quickly, feeling embarrassed to have lasted for such a short time. Jimin, though, finds pride in being able to satisfy the priest to the fullest and bounces faster, ache into his tights ignored.

The man grips hard onto the tan skin of Jimin's as a warning of what's to come and the boy just continues his fast pace.

The fast movements and the overwhelming pleasure that surround Yoongi makes it seem as if he is floating, spurting inside the younger on top of him. Jimin moans loud, moves frantic and hurried as he is chasing his own release.

As they still to take big gulps of air, Jimin sits on top of him, smiling with adoration.

After they settle in bed, Jimin looks straight into the other's eyes and whispers his feelings, his love for the older man.

"Let me help you forget."

Later, as Jimin snores softly into his chest, a tear escapes Yoongi.


[hiiii everyone!

had some time since i have my driving exam tomorrow and won't go to school, so i skipped homework :P

so! how do you think this story will end? good? bad? will they stay together? break up? what happens with his parents?

i have the ending, but i treasure this story so much, i never want to end it :'(

Thank you SO much for 50k reads!!! i feel like crying honestly in happiness!

Hope you enjoy!!]

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