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Shivering slightly and having a thick, puffy blanket wrapped around his figure, Jimin is sitting on the sofa playing on his phone. It's a race game and despite his condition, he is entirely engaged into the game, moving right and left along with the turns into the game.

When Yoongi steps into the living room for the night routine, he finds Jimin with the blanket pooled around his waist and hair messy from the continuous moving around. He shakes his head and puts down next to Jimin a costume.

Hearing him enter and out if curiosity of what he brought him, Jimin pauses the game and looks next to him. He can see what looks like a white blouse and he raises an eyebrow towards the priest.

The older just mentions towards the buddle of clothes, so Jimin puts his phone down to inspect the clothing. He almost drops it when he sees what it is.

It's a large, white gown that comes together with a black polo with a white collar and black, long pants.

They are disgusting and utterly ugly in Jimin's eyes and he throws them back on the sofa.

"What even are those?"


"Yeah, no shit. You want me to look like some hobo? Who even wears such large pants anymore?"

Yoongi clears his throat in annoyance before answering, "It's necessary for someone learning the ways of The Father to wear decent, comfortable and appropriate clothing."

"HA! Let me laugh for a second here. So you think I actually want to be taught 'the ways' or whatever? No. I don't. And you can't force me to wear such stupid clothes either. I agreed to preach with you nightly, but I never said I agree to wear anything other than my jeans."

"Jimin, do not provoke me to call your parents! Do as you are told to do, or you will sleep outside for real tonight."

The mentioned groans loudly when he hears the parents warning. He wants back to the campus, but his parents getting a call so soon won't do him any good.

He unwillingly gets up and starts taking off his clothes in an angry hurry. He can feel the priest's eyes on him, and while he knows he could use the situation to his advantage, right now he can only dream of strangling the older, not seduce him.

His jeans drop on the floor and steps out of them before snatching those large, black pants off the couch and tugging them on. He feels like gagging when he realizes how strangely comfortable these ugly pants are.

The polo is also a size or two too big on him and he looks so baggy, he wants to hit his head against the wall. He really hopes he will be able to take these off before he meets a mirror, because he looks ridiculous.

It's a bit of struggle putting on the white gown over the too large shirt, he literally can compare himself to those stupid challenges of 'how many shirts can you take on'.

When he is fully dressed with the horrifying baggy clothes, he turns to face Yoongi and sends him his best glare.

"You look ready for the routine." his voice is strangely on the happy note and Jimin wants to punch him.

"I look as if my grandpa's wardrobe vomited on me. It's ridiculously large."

"You have to be comfortable, Jimin. Life with God in your heart has to be calm, relaxed, free of earthly, petty worries and be as comfortable as possible. You will learn, my child."

Jimin suddenly has a smirk on his face and winks towards Yoongi.

"I am not you child, but you can still be my daddy."

Yoongi shakes his head disappointed, "You never learn, do you?"

Jimin keeps his seductive face and wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. This is so amusing to him, he could barely hold his laughter in. The priest looks stuck between wanting to throw him out or gagging out loud.

"Come to the center." Yoongi instructs and Jimin follows quickly.

"Anything for you...daddy."

"Repeat after me:

'I am the bone of the patriarchy,

I am the future of the home.

Devoted to The Father

Giving more, taking less.

I have a divine purpose of being here,

By the end, I will be a proud husband

To a wife.To a woman.

As The Father has said.'


After every phrase, Yoongi made short pauses to let Jimin repeat. With every word repeated, Jimin felt sicker and sicker.

Why can't people accept that he doesn't want to marry a woman? He can give up smoking and he can give up partying. Probably not fucking around, but he can limit more. Why can't just that automatically make him a good person in God's eyes? Why he gotta marry a woman to prove something?

After he repeats 'Amen', he quickly takes off the baggy clothes and still in his underwear, rushes out of the living room, his clothes tightly held into a fist.

He has to take a quick bath, because apparently these church people never heard of the term 'hot water' and gets into bed.

His mind wanders back to all that happened today, how he overstepped his limits towards Yoongi with the touches. But the phrases the priest made him repeat, hit him hard.

He doesn't need a woman as wife. He doesn't want a woman as his wife. He wants to spend his life having fun, loving whoever he wants without a stupid, strangely handsome and seemingly scarred priest and his stupid, close-minded parents judging him.

He isn't going to let Yoongi think that because he made him repeat some 'straightening' poem it is going to change his preferences.

A tear goes down his cheek before he falls asleep.


[ will Yoongi break under Jimin's advances or will Jimin break under the pressure from his parents and Yoongi's methods.

thank you sooo much for 2,8k reads and #1 in church tag

i appreciate every comment and vote


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