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[trigger warning! Suicide at the end!! Do not read if sensitive!]

   "You should have this," Yoongi says later, when they are both in the living room.

   The rectory is silent, Jimin's parents having gone to sleep a while ago. The two decided to remain behind for a bit more, trying to enjoy each other's company for as much as possible, before the younger has to leave.

   Yoongi holds up a cross and Jimin is quick to realize it's the familiar cross that hangs usually from the priest's neck. He furrows his brows in confusion and Yoongi mentions to it again.

   "A small gift for you. To remember me always." he carries a small, genuine smile on his face as he waits for Jimin to finally accept the unexpected gift.

   "Oh...thanks!" Jimin smiles back to the older, before closing his fist around the cross, "Why do you always mention 'always'? There are just a few quick months until summer break, it's not forever."

   Yoongi looks towards his lap and fidgets with his fingers, while smiling gently, "I know."

   Jimin looks to him a bit confused again and waits for him to explain.

   "You know, it's going to be lonely here with you. As much as you are an annoyance, you made the rectory livelier."

   "And still, you are the one who insisted I go back," Jimin rolls his eyes at how confusing the older man is.

   "Look," the priest slides down the sofa and sits on his knees between Jimin's legs. His hands are both placed on the pointy knees of the younger, "I really want you to go back home, have fun, even drink your youth away if you want, just don't choose to be lonely. Promise me." his eyes are begging, a strange glint present in them.

   "You are always so dramatic, priest Min," Jimin can't take the man serious, almost rolling his eyes again.

   "Promise me to go out there, take any decision just as recklessly as you wish and don't look back. The world is harsh, baby." he raises enough to cup Jimin's cheeks and lovingly stare into his eyes, "Promise me."

   Without thinking, Jimin mutters the awaited words, "I promise."

   And so a sweet, long kiss is initiated.

   A few minutes later, they are both underneath the warm blanket, in Yoongi's comfortable bed. Jimin pushes himself as close to the other male as possible and the priest tightest his hold.

   They are cuddling, a gentle mood surrounds them, as if suddenly both are afraid the other might break with too much force. Yoongi's breath is right over Jimin's ear, making goose bumps appear on his skin.

   Right as Jimin is about to fall asleep into the loving embrace, he hears Yoongi speaking.

   "Call me that."

   With a low, sleepy voice, the younger responds, "Daddy."


   "Have a safe journey back home," Yoongi wishes, when everything is loaded into the car and the family of three is ready to get in.

   Jimin, at breakfast, had to explain somehow to his parents why he only has one of clothing remaining. He never had such a hard time lying to his parents before arriving here and he blames Yoongi.

   Jimin currently stands unwillingly next to the car, as far as possible from his parents. He looks conflicted, struggling between wanting to remain behind with Yoongi and going back to Taehyung and the fun at the campus.

   He has no choice, regardless of his thoughts, because he is for sure going back today, without the older male. So all he can do is make a surprise face, rush from the car and exclaim something about having forgotten something.

   He stops when he believes his parents can't see him anymore and waits for a few seconds. As expected, Yoongi comes through the door and spots him somehow hiding.

   Jimin tugs the older into a strong kiss, desperate to make it last until they meet again. When they split, spit connects their swollen lips. The boy can't help but smile widely, positively in love.

   "Until we meet again, Park Jimin."

   Jimin nods, "Min Yoongi."

   And he enters the waiting car. Yoongi remains behind, watching the car passing through the gate and lifts his hand for a quick wave. It goes unnoticed by the younger in the car.


   Next day, Jimin just exits his lunch class when he is called.

   Yoongi has hanged himself.


thank you! it's all i can say!

i hope from the bottom of my heart you guys enjoyed this story!

it has taken me around 3 months to write it and it's been the first story i ever completed!

61k reads, 4k votes and 1,5k comments later, we reached the end!

i can only hope you guys will continue to support me and my little amateur stories that may come in the future!

Have an amazing day, my loves!!


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