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   The body underneath him starts trembling. And suddenly, Jimin feels himself detaching from Yoongi's warm body and meeting the cool ground.

   He looks up and notices the anger in the priest's watering eyes. His fists are clenched and the whole aura around him is unpleasant and pretty scary.

   "I wanted to show you the garden, my special place" his voice is shaky and barely understandable, by now the tears are going down his face freely, "I wanted to bond with you, make you like me, the nuns and the place better."

   Jimin doesn't understand why Yoongi seems so affected by what he just did. The man doesn't seem to be embarrassed, or shy, he literally reacts as if Jimin just killed his most precious valuable in front of his eyes.

   In front of him, stays Yoongi with his face red, eyes puffy and cheeks glistening with the constant flow of tears. His shoulders are dropped, posture shagging slightly and arms by his sides. He can't seem to stop the tremors in his body, shuddering violently every few seconds.

   His whole body freezes when the man violently raises his hands to his hair and tugs roughly, as if punishing himself.

   A few moments later, he is alone.

   The priest ran inside through the back door and after it shut close, silence surrounded him.

   It is around the middle of the day, so Jimin just tries to shake off the guilt growing inside his gut and instead goes to look around the garden.

   There are small paths with pavement through the rows of roses, all leading to the same spot. There stays a large, wooden swing, its beautiful light brown polish shining under sun's rays.

   Getting closer to it, Jimin can see that despite how gorgeous it is from afar, it is noticeable untouched and unused. Spider webs are visible on the edges and the metal chain seems to be slowly rotting with time.

   He looks a bit around and finds a thin twig underneath one of the fruit trees nearby. Carefully he uses it to take off the spider webs and any other insects that found a home between the wooden pieces of the swing.

   After he deems it clear enough, he sits on it, flinching when it creaks loudly. He lays down, one leg bent and the other swinging around on the side.

   He closes his eyes and instantly, a clear vision of what happened just a few minutes ago hunts him. Yoongi is crouching in front of the roses, Jimin holding him the way he was before, but this time it's not roses Yoongi's hand touches.

   His hand is petting a mop of light brown hair, messy and scattered on the ground. Jimin's attention isn't on Yoongi, but on trying to understand whose hair that is on the floor, the face and body black and blurry.

   He feels Yoongi's body starting to shake like before and tries to let go of him, but Yoongi jumps on his feet, tugs on his hair and right as his mouth opens in a terrifying scream, Jimin jumps awake.

   He is panting hard, gripping his chest in an attempt to calm down his furiously beating hard. He looks around and notices he is still on the swing, legs in the same position as before he fell asleep.

   'What the fuck was that?' Jimin thinks and lifts himself to be sitting normally. It all felt so real. It's like he was exactly back in the moment, but the scenes happened in another order.

   He lets his head fall on his hands and sighs loudly.

   He recognizes that whatever moves he did towards the priest, scared the man. It's not clear to Jimin as of why it had such an impact, to send the man into a state of crying mess, but he can only guess Min Yoongi is hiding something big.

   He looks towards the sky and to his surprise the sun is setting already.

   'How much did I sleep?'

   He steps from the swing and goes to the door to enter the house. When he enters, he sees Yoongi leaning onto the left wall of the hallway.

   He looks up when he hears the door opening and makes eye contact with Jimin.

   "Come to dinner." his voice is back to calm, any reminder of what happened in the garden like forgotten.

   Jimin follows after the priest, not saying a word.

   When they arrive to the room, the younger notices they are alone and only two plates are on the table. Jimin takes his usual place, while Yoongi walk to his.

   They eat in silence, forks scraping the plates the only sound disturbing the silence. Jimin manages to finish his meal, when Yoongi clears his throat.

   "Unfortunately, I am needed to give you another punishment. To think it's Sunday too, the day of rest." Jimin swears the older sounds like he wants to roll his eyes in annoyance.

   "My palms aren't healed yet. Might have to wait until tomorrow."

   Yoongi raises his eyebrows, and seems to want to ask something, but decides to just slightly shake his head and get up from the table.

   "Come. Time for your second punishment today."


[heads up, jimin will have many punishments in this. i just really like him misbehaving

hint: the person in the dream is pretty important. who could it be?

alsooo, what do you think his punishment will be this time? something tough or easier?


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