Twenty Seven

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   At breakfast, both the males sit in their respective sits. After they are done and Jimin takes the plates to the kitchen, they go outside to greet goodbye the group.

   They should have left the day before, but with Jimin's disappearance, they had decided to remain behind for one more night and search for him.

   So, as he goes through the door, his cheeks redden in embarrassment. In front of him, is the van with its door opened and people are roaming around to find their sits and put their baggage where they should. Once they find them, they turn to priest Min, and respectably Jimin next to him, and bow.

   When Hoseok comes out of the cabin, Jimin fills guilt consuming him. He remembers shamefully what he has tried to do to the younger boy and wishes to straighten the situation before it's too late.

   He rushes to the boy and cups his hands with his smaller ones. He looks into the younger's eyes and he can see a slight fear forming. Before either of them can say something, Jimin kneels in front of him, with his head bowed in shame.

   "Please forgive me!" he exclaims, palms tightening around the smooth hands into his hold, "I wasn't thinking. Please."

   Hoseok starts to tremble softly underneath the strong grip, before moving his hands away from Jimin. The latter raises his head to look at him, right when a hand is placed onto his shoulder.

   "It's okay. Honestly. As long as you promise me to never do it again, to me or anyone else." his eyes are kind, patient. He looks and behaves so much more mature than Jimin himself, that he just wants the ground to eat him whole.

   Jimin stands up from the ground and turns his head to look at Yoongi. The priest catches his gaze and they stare at each other for a tiny second. He turns to face Hoseok again, carrying a soft smile on his face.


   When the van's door closes and its engine starts up, Jimin goes to stand next to Yoongi, their shoulders touching slightly. As the van takes a left turn and passes through the gate, Jimin turns to the older, eyes shining with adoration.

   The priest shakes his head and goes inside the house, Jimin trailing behind like a puppy.

   "How come you are so quiet and behave well?" Yoongi asks later, when they are slowly swinging on the hammock in the garden.

   Jimin flutters his eyelashes and speaks in a sweet voice, "You keep me satisfied," he makes a short pause to get closer to the man, "daddy."

   The older rolls his eyes and scoffs, "New rule, if you don't stop calling me that, you will get kicked out."

   Jimin suddenly grins and moves to climb onto Yoongi's lap. They come face to face and the man isn't given a second to respond before Jimin rolls his hips.

   With his breath hitching, Yoongi initially places his rough hands onto the defined hips of the younger to push him away. As Jimin rolls his hips again over his lap, the hands grip tight in pleasure.

   Every time Jimin moves and dips down to touch their clothed members better, Yoongi's breath falters and pants escape his mouth. With hooded eyes, the priest looks over Jimin's shoulder and suddenly imagines what would happen if any of the nuns came through the door now.

   Just as Yoongi feels the rush through him, a second away from coming untouched, Jimin stop moving. As more than a few seconds pass with the boy doing anything, the priest looks up confused, only to see him grinning.

   "I hope the only place I will be kicked out of is my own bed and be welcomed in yours," he purrs and caresses the side of Yoongi's hair.

   The man groans in annoyance and grabs Jimin's ass, pinching it hard before tugging the boy closer. He moves the addictive hips by himself. Jimin is quickly to come undone, catching Yoongi's thin bottom lip between his plump ones and sucking roughly. The older follows quick.

   They pant afterwards, trying to catch their breath. The nature around them soothing.

   "So when are you gonna fuck me?"


[it's been a crazy time lately, that's why this comes so late :')

first, my hamster has died and i loved her incredibly, i got her at 15 and now at 18 to lose her was a big hit

secondly, a boy 1 year younger than me (17) from my school died on Sunday and the news came as a huge shock for me. he was one of the kindest, friendliest and happiest people i got to know and to just comprehend he is gone forever is just impossible. He died from a horrible, serious motorcycle accident. Ride in paradise, lovely boy. 

so these made all my creativity somehow jump out the window and i couldn't write anything

you are more than likely to see mistakes, excuse me for them

hope you enjoy :)]

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