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Jimin stays gasping with his palms strongly pressed to his chest, trying to minimize the pain. His hateful glare is set on the man before him, who is staring back with a satisfied glint into his eyes.

The priest retreats his hand and smiles kindly, "Now. The tour has ended. Go back to your room or roam around a bit more until you are called for dinner. We will discuss more afterwards."

He bows, takes a turn and disappears behind the wall. Jimin stays stuck in the middle of the empty hallway. He looks down towards his palm and sees it's still flaming red and aching from where the priest has slapped it.

He scoffs and turns around. He can find the way to his room by himself and then he is just gonna lock himself in there forever.

He turns a few rights and arrives face to face with a staircase. Jimin smugly grins and proceeds to go upstairs. 'How easy it was to find. He just gotta make everything complicated,' he thinks. What escapes him is that the stairs are slightly lighter in color than the ones the priest showed him.

What Jimin did notice though is that the stairs seem to never reach an end. He keeps going up the stairs, until coming to a stop, breathing heavy.

He glances above him to see how much longer the stairs are gonna be, when he notices a few floors over him a powerful source of light illuminates the ceiling.

His curiosity pushes him further and he basically rushes up the remaining stairs until he faces a dark brown, wooden door. From underneath it, light enters over the end of the staircase.

For a second, his thoughts ran to priest Min. Would he let him be here? Does this lead outside? Will this get him more punishment? 'He did say I can walk around so fuck his punishments.' Jimin tells himself.

He steps closer and places his still slightly red palms against the cool door. Taking in a breath, he pushes the door and with a loud creak, it opens.

Jimin has to squint his eyes because of the sudden powerful light attacking his vision. He blinks a few times and then peeps to what is behind the door.

It looks empty and vacant apart from some objects scattered around the place. Something in the far corner of the attic glistens in the light coming from two windows on the right ceiling.

Jimin takes a step into the attic, the old wooden floor looking terribly and poorly made and creaks with force under his step. It's like no one stepped inside here for years, because everywhere he looks, it's covered in a grey, thick dust.

He reconsiders not going and investigating the room after he herd the noise produced by the floor, but his curiosity is eating him. What if the object glistening is precious? What if it's gold? Jimin's mind is flourishing with possibilities. He takes another step, and another, until he reaches the middle of the room.

A frame of the floor catches his eyes and he can see it's a boy in the frame. 'Could that be priest Min?' Jimin thinks and while advancing towards it, he steps on a weak nog and it cracks under his feet.

He lets out a scream and falls to the floor near the cracked piece of wood.


[boring chapter; but i have hopes for this story actually.]

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