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Jimin groans sleepily when the blanket is suddenly gone. He cracks one eye open to localize it and tug it over him again, when he comes face to face with Yoongi holding the blanket away.

"Oh my god, you again!" Jimin exclaims.

Priest Min laughs softly at the surprise in his voice, "Who else could it be?"

Jimin rolls his eyes and turns on the other side, back facing Yoongi, "Goodnight."

Yoongi tsks, places the blanket at the younger's feet and goes to open the curtains. Jimin yelps when he senses the light.

"Let me sleep! Goddamn it."

"Rise and shine, lazy. We have to do the morning routine and finally introduce you to today's chores. Go wash your face and come downstairs in 10 minutes. Breakfast is waiting."

The annoying older man finally exits the room, but leaves the door widely opened behind.

Jimin groans loudly on purpose so Yoongi can hear him. He rolls around, takes his phone from the charger and looks at the time- 8 am.

He stands and stretches his arms above his head, before sighing and going into the bathroom connected with his room. He brushes his teeth and his hair, before spaying some cologne on himself- gotta smell good, regardless of where he is.

He snatches him phone from the unmade bed and leaves the room. Yawning, he enters the dining room and is happy he actually found the room by himself. Not that he will ever admit it out loud though.

Yoongi is already on his side of the table, engaged in a conversation with a woman sited by his right. There are a few more women sat at the table, and Jimin guesses they are all nuns by the way they are dressed. They all turn their heads towards him when he enters and he wants the floor to eat him now.

He sits where he sat last night and looks at the plate that was waiting for him. Scrambled eggs with sliced tomatoes and small sausages. He almost licks his lips before beginning to eat eagerly.

He only stops to look up when a hand places a glass of water in front of his plate. In front of him is a woman looking around 50 and wearing the usual black nun gown. She is smiling kindly at him, so he smiles to her too.

"Glad to see you are enjoying the food." her voice is so kind and comforting to Jimin.

"Did you cook this? Last night too?" Jimin asks, before shoving the rest of a sausage in his mouth.

"Yes. I am the cook here. Nun Maria, nice to meet you," she extended a hand towards Jimin and he takes it, shaking it in greeting.

"Park Jimin."

Jimin can feel someone staring at him and turning his head around fast, he notices Yoongi's eyes following his every move.

"I want you to accompany me to mass today, Jimin." The other male in the room speaks suddenly.

Jimin doesn't answer, not being happy with this statement, but he knows he can't avoid it.

"You are not required to help me perform it this time, as you have eaten already, but you need to come, help me set up the altar and holy the water beforehand."

"Alright." 'Doesn't seem too hard or challenging' Jimin thinks.

"You need to stay and listen to the entire mass also. Maria will save you a seat next to her in the nave, so you can be comfortable the entire time."

Jimin groans loudly hearing this. He has only been to church a few times at Christmas and Easter, but he doesn't do well with sitting on a bench for what seems like a million hours and listening to the priest preaching.

It's so boring to him.

"Be at the chapel in a few minutes. We have to prepare quickly and start."

Yoongi leaves the room and Jimin remains behind with the older women.

He feels a nudge to his left and looks up at nun Maria.

"It's going to be alright. You certainly won't die from this, you have my word." and she laughs quietly for a few seconds, before excusing herself and leaving also.

Jimin decides that he likes her way more than he likes the handsome, grumpy old priest.

He takes his plate to the kitchen, washes it quickly, before going to where he remembers the chapel to be.

When entering, he spots the nuns sitting on a few benches. Yoongi is dressed in the typical priest mass gown, with the stoles being golden. He waves at him to come closer and Jimin takes a look at the priest.

He looks somehow younger dressed in white and added some color to the clothing, instead of the black, long gown he wore yesterday and this morning. His features are brought up more and he is actually really handsome.

Leaving beside the other details, Jimin suddenly has a plan forming in his head and has to surpass a smirk. If he turns this whole situation in his advantage, his parents will see how much of a disappointment and waste of time this trip and his stay was.

'Time to seduce the damn priest.'

[sorry for being late to upload this]

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