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   New day, new opportunities, they say. Jimin says that's completely rubbish when you are living with a priest.

   He has been waken up in the same manner as the day before, with Yoongi opening the damn blinds and stealing his blanket again. Jimin swears he will steal his blanket too, one day.

   After washing his face, brushing his teeth and leaving his hair messy and uncombed, he goes down to the dining room. Just as the day before, the nuns are also around the table, enjoying their breakfast.

   He sits, yawns loudly and finally looks into his plate. One fried egg and a sausage. He goes fully into it, chewing loudly. On the other side of the table, Yoongi is watching with maximum disgust the savage way the younger is eating.

   After clearing the plate, he looks up towards Yoongi. He winks and hides his grin.

   Yoongi looks confused and Jimin has to hold in his laugh. 'Fuck you.' he wants to say, remembering the shit he made him repeat the night before.

   "Good morning again, Jimin" the priest greets.

   "Yeah, hi."

   Yoongi scoffs hearing the response. "Today, you will come and help me clean the other building. It is most possible that a group of people will come and spend the night here in a few days. They expressed their desire to experience a night in the church and help out in any way, so we have to provide them with a clean sleeping space."

   "Great. We clearly were in need of an audience to witness my misery."

   "Quit your whining. If anything, I feel like my life shortened a few years with how much stress and annoyance you have brought me. A few new people will help clear this tensed air. And you never know if you might make some friends."

   Jimin wants to gouge his eyes out. What kind of friend could he be with a bunch of kiddos who want to help out in the church? He shudders when he imagines twenty mini Yoongis working in the back garden.

   Yoongi notices his shuddering and asks concerned, "Are you still cold from last night?"

   "A bit late to worry about that now, don't you think? But no, I am fine."

   "Go wash your plate and come outside at the front."

   Jimin goes out to the front garden, after he finished what he was asked to do. Yoongi sees him and starts walking to the side of the rectory. Jimin follows and is surprised when he notices a small cottage to the left side of the rectory. He hasn't seen it before.

   Yoongi pushes the door open and it creaks deafeningly, making Jimin flinch.

   "From how unused the door is, I fear what we will find inside while cleaning." Jimin tries to peek inside, seeing a long hallway ahead.

   "You complain so much, I am getting a headache. Shut it and get to work."

   "With my bare hands? I need cleaning products at least."

   "Yes, yes. Follow me."

   The priest enters what seems like a bathroom and exits holding two mops and two feather dusters. He hands Jimin one of each.

   "I will start in the kitchen. You can start with any of the rooms. Please wash the floor, collect all the dust you see and kill spiders."

   After that, Jimin finds himself alone in the hallway, three brown door on each side. He picks the first door to his left and enters carefully. He sighs loudly when he notices how everything is completely covered in dusts.

   They work until it was time for lunch. On his way towards the dining room, Jimin keeps whining about how bad his back hurts from staying bent so much washing the floor.

   "Good job, Jimin. You have cleaned a lot in such a short time, you deserve a reward."

   "Daddy..." Jimin says in a low, seductive voice, a tint of happiness in his voice. He winks suggestively.

   "No more dessert for you."

   And that's how Jimin is sent back to cleaning the rooms, having a case of blue balls and no dessert.


   Two days later, Jimin is waken up just as sadistic as before. This time, though, he is told to arrange himself a bit, as the visitors are arriving a bit after breakfast.

   He does his daily morning routine, this time actually combing his hair and also adding a shower to top it off.

   He walks down the stairs and enters the dining room, noticing no one is present except for him. Shrugging, he sits down and eats everything that was on his plate.

   He is chewing his last bits of food, when he hears the loud engine of a vehicle. He stands up and goes to the window. After he tugs on the curtain, he can see a white van just parking in front of the rectory. Yoongi is standing in the same place he was when Jimin arrived here.

   After the engine is cut off, a man looking the same age as Yoongi or maybe slightly older, exits and smiles widely towards the priest.

   Jimin gets a weird feeling inside when he notices Yoongi wearing a smile matching the man's. He assumes it's from seeing Yoongi smiling like that for the first time.

   His patience breaks and he scoffs, walking away from the window when he sees the two men hugging each other with passion.

   He doesn't understand himself as he rushes towards the front door. All he can think about is how much he wants to break that hug.

   He opens the door with force, banging hard against the wall. The two in the hug breaking apart to turn and see what the commotion is.

   Jimin avoids Yoongi's glare, instead focusing into the other man's eyes. He fakes the widest smile he can.



[How much can we bet Jimin is about to do something dumb?

Also, is the story going too slow? too fast? do you like it so far?

English is not my first language and this is the first story i am ever writing, so it's not the best, but i am trying :')


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