Beautiful Pain [BAD ENDING]

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Something was wrong. Something was very wrong. Gavin could still feel pain, he didn't feel any better, he felt so happy to know that Conan returned the feelings... but he was still hurting?

"C-Conan... it still h-hurts..." Gavin sobbed, gripping Conan tightly. Conan's eyes widened, why was Gavin still in pain? Why wasn't he okay now? Gavin then suddenly realised why.

"...I-It's too r-returned the feelings t-too late..." Gavin sobbed. He was right, it was too late, the disease was too far gone. Conan's hands began to shake.

"N-No... no this can't be happening..." Conan mumbled in despair, he couldn't lose Gavin, not now. Gavin continued to cling tightly to Conan, crying his eyes out. Then he suddenly began to cough violently, his whole body shaking in pain. Conan held his hand, eyes wide as he watched helplessly. A single small flower fell from Gavin's mouth. It was a Forget-Me-Not - a symbol of true love. Gavin slumped over, completely still now, having no strength left.

"...I.... l-love... you..." Gavin whispered softly with the last of his energy, tears falling gracefully for his eyes. Conan held him tightly, synthetic tears filling his own eyes.

"I-I love you too, Gavin..." he said softly, his hands trembling. Gavin didn't respond. He didn't utter a word, he didn't move, he didn't breathe.

"...G-Gavin?" Conan said in a hushed tone, gently moving Gavin so he could see his face. All he got was Gavin's half lidded, lifeless eyes staring back at him.

"O-oh rA9, no..." he sobbed in complete misery. Conan lost the love of his life just after he realised he was in love. He was broken.

Conan felt a lump in his throat, sobs continuing to come out of him. The lump never went away and Conan coughed to get rid of it, but it still wouldn't leave so he just continued to cough until something came out of his mouth.

It was a single petal. The petal of a Morning Glory.

The meaning: "Love in vain".

Gavin x RK900 (ONESHOTS)Where stories live. Discover now