ch.1 Prologue

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          "Janie!", my mom called from down stairs. "Janie!" she calls a little louder and with alot more anger in her voice. With out opening my eyes I responded,"Yes, mom?". "Get up honey. We're short on time so hurry up!" she shouted up stairs as her voice kept changing volume because she was moving from room to room.
   "Don't worry, I'm up!" I said. I got up and grabbed my clothes and towels. Everything else I needed were in my bathroom. As I headed towards my bathroom, I could hear my mom spraying and vacuuming. I smiled because she used to not be such a neat freak but she began watching the nature channel and the HGTV channel and spent days on marathons taking notes on the,"Do's and Dont's" of having a perfect house and ever sense our house has been spotless. I think it's a mid-life crisis but my mom finds it fun so I leave it to her. When I got to the bathroom, I started the shower and put some facial cleanser on my face along side the fact that I brushed my teeth.
           Once I got undressed I hopped in the shower. Once the warmth hit me all the left me all the sleep left, that was refreshing. Once my hair was soaked I washed it with my favorite vanilla lavender shampoo and conditioner. I washed my body with the same scented body wash, my mom gave me this o my last birthday. She noticed that I fell in love with it when we went shopping together once and she loves the way it smells also, so she buys more every month.

       That's one of the things I love about her, she pays attention. After I was done washing up I got out the shower and dried off and dressed in my plain blue tank top with my old jeans that were worn in the front but no holes. After brushing and blow drying my hair I pulled it up into a pony tail. When dry like always it has lots of long, beautiful curls I get then from my dad. He has brown hair and green eyes while my mo has jet straight black hair and light brown eyes. So I got that eye trait from my mom.

            My body is pretty average for my self. I mean I do have curves and all but I don't think much of it. I don't really like wearing make-up neither. Soon after I got dressed I heard a loud knock on the door. "Janie! Hurry up! I gotta pee!" Ugh  it's my little brother, Lyle, he's 13 and is the reason why the word "annoyance" even exist. "Hold it!" I told him as I put my smiley face earrings on."Janie, I swear if you don't hurry up I'll pee on the floor."."Mom will kill you." I said with no worry. "I'll survive." then he started counting. Oh sh*t, he wasn't kidding."5,4,3....(zip)...2....". I opened the door. "Finished. Next time use your bathroom. Please.' I said to him. "I would've but mom has completely disinfected it and I can't stand the smell. Plus she wouldn't let me use it. So I couldn't touch a single tile in there. So I came to option C." he said with hints of smirks. "Lyle, what was option B.".
      "Look , you don't want to know so if you wouldn't mind I would like to be in peace when I pee!" he said as he widened his light brown eyes. He ran past me to the bathroom and closed the door. "Yuck! You smell like that bush that all the dogs use to.... Ugh EWWWW Lyle that's disgusting!" I said. "I know." he responded. "Take a bath before you leave that bathroom." I told him.

            I headed down stairs to get  something to eat. My mom was running through out the house mumbling to herself. I went to the kitchen and made a bowl of cereal and leaned on the counter to eat. While I ate I watched  my mom go through her mental check list. "Hey, mom, do we have to go? Couldn't we just go to Florida with you?" I asked as I scooped up some cereal.
    She looked up at with her eyebrows scrunched,"Janie, honey, we've been through this, I'm going to Florida for businesses purposes , this isn't a four month vacation. Plus Jackie's place is only a few minutes out of town, you can drive, and she has children around your and Lyle's age. You two will be fine and I made sure Lyle will not be of any trouble. Come on, Janie you met Jackie." she expressed.
    "Yeah, when I was 8. Mom, I'm 17." I said. She scowled"Yes, you are 17 and 8 years ago until now Jackie has done nothing but care for you when you visited.".

      She was right Ms.Jackie has loved me like her own. She always wanted a girl, I heard she has a 5 year old as her last and twin boys around Lyle's age and an oldest boy around my age. My mom said we go to school together but who ever she described was no one I could remember. I guess I could make it through this summer at a childhood home. After all it's for my mother, she works so hard as chef executive and it took her so long to get there. She was 17 and pregnant not with me but my with my older brother Ryan, he was a great guy and older brother. I miss him alot but I don't want to talk about it."Okay mom, I think I'll survive." I managed a smile. "That's my girl. Okay, i think that's all. Lyle! I'm going!". We immediately hear fast foot steps coming down stairs. "Bye mom." Lyle said as he reaches the bottom of the steps to plant and kiss her cheek. afterwards, I walked over to her side and kissed her cheek also and gave her a hug.

         After we said our goodbyes to each, I called my dad, who's working in the military. He only joined at 19 because once he found out my mom was pregnant my moms parents were so mad, they felt she would have been better off with out my dad. My dad told my mom he would do what ever it took to suppose her and his new family, they never legally got married but they love each other, plus the separation between them is good for them. When they are together too long they get frustrated with each other. I don't mind it though because when they do reunite it's like they've fallen in love again. Anyway, my dad joined the military to help my mom raise us. After Lyle finished talking to dad he gave me back my phone and we headed out the door. 

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