ch.23 Jealous

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          Nick's pov. :

        I woke in the middle of the damn night again. I heard some noise and my bed moved. I opened my eyes to see the moonlight shine on her face. Janie looked exhausted.

        "What's wrong?" I grumbled. "I couldn't sleep. I didn't mean to wake you up." she explained. I sat up and turned on the light next to my bed. She looked so innocent. She sat down closer to me and rested her head on my bare chest.

        I just looked at her. Her vanilla scented hair pleased me like it always did. She was warm and her skin was so soft. I liked being around this girl for some reason. I wish I could understand why.

        I laid down on my back and she became calmer. Soon enough she went to sleep. I looked at her beautiful features. Her soft ,peaceful face, her cute nose and perfect lips.

        I ran my thumb on her lips and rosy cheeks. She was just so perfect. I never met anything so beautiful and innocent.

        Her soft breathing made me calm. She was okay now.

        I leaned my head down and lightly placed my lips on hers. A feeling I always yearned for. She slightly smiled when I looked back at her. I turned off the light and drifted off to sleep again.


        It was morning. I reached over and she was gone. I heard the piano sing so I got up threw on a shirt ,I already had shorts on. I walked downstairs to the living room. Janie was playing a piece on the piano and stopped to write something down. She began again humming a melody with it.

        I watched as she continued this process for a short while. She sighed and looked up when I cleared my throat for her to heard. She smiled at me and then looked back at the book.

        "What ya doing?" like I didn't know the answer already. "Writing a song." she said. "Can I hear?" I walked toward her. "Um, it's not finished yet." she closed her book.

        "Well I was going to go for a ride. Want to tag along?" I asked her. "Actually, I had plans with Tony. He was going to take me skating." she explained. "Later?" I asked. "Bonfire." she sighed. "Tomorrow?" I went on. "Party and the next day he wants to take me laser tagging and hangout all day. He plans to take me to the carnival on Saturday too. So I'm booked all week, sorry." she apologized.

        "It's cool." I played it off like I didn't care. Who gave a fuck that she had a boyfriend now. The problem is Tony really is a good type of guy for her. He's actually normal. As far as I as now he might really like her and would treat her like any good boyfriend should.

        She got up and looked at the clock. It was 9. "I gotta shower." she walked passed me.

        I sat down on the piano bench. How come she had this type of effect on me. I've been having a hard time not thinking about her sense the first time we kissed. I sometimes wonder how she feels about me. I can't believe her when we get close like that time when I woke her up that night, girls don't think straight when I get that close to them. She wouldn't want me in any way like that. If anything I would problably take her virginity and then move on. I couldn't live with that guilt later.

        I got ready for the day and went outside to ride my motorcycle. Janie came outside and got in a car with Tony. I heard her laugh and he laughed with her. I started up my motor and let it roar. They glanced at me and I winked at Janie. She blushed but I saw in her face that she remembered that Tony was there so she tried to play it off.

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