ch.11 My parents

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         I woke up to the scene from last night but the sun was just rising. I thought last night was a dream. That mean Nick and I really did...... and Jake tried to.... all that really happened. After  I openned my eyes I noticed I was still in the trunk of Nick's truck. Nick was still asleep and bare chested. He had his arm over my waist. We were spooning. He was so cute in his sleep. His hair was a mess but it looked cute on him. I didn't want to wake him so I slowly slid from his arm. I needed to pee. I went in to the woods and went. On my way back I noticed that the water that flowed to the pond was fresh. Meaning I could bathe in it. I headed back to the pond. Nick was still asleep. Good I didn't want him to see me naked. I slowly walked to the pond. I leaned down to check the temperature. It was very warm there must be a hot spot. I walked over to the waterfall. I looked and Nick, still sleeping. I dropped my dress and stepped into the water. The warmth filled my body. I dove into the water. I swam to the waterfall and went uder it. There was a large space where the rock lifted from the water. I sat there at relaxed. I let everything just go. I started thinking about last night meeting Nico, Nick, and the club. When I thought of Jake my heart dropped. I felt betrayed I trusted him. I was wrong for leading him on. He hurt me. I

           I pulled my legs up to my body and rested my chin on my knees. I felt tears roll down my face so I slid into and under the water. I went up for air and looked at the truck. Nick was gone! Omg, I had to get out, dry quickly, and get dressed fast. I looked around and he wasn't in sight. I quickly got out the water looking around and went to the truck to get my jean skirt and dried off with it. I brought the night dress along with me and quickly dressed in it. I sighed in relief. Then I heard something behind me. Nick was walking from the woods. "Nick. I was just uh.... well I ..... you see..... I" I said stuttering. "I know." he smirked. My body tensed up. Did he see...?" I wasn't looking I promise." he laughed as he ran his fingers through his dark hair. "Where are you coming from?" I asked. "I went to the top of the mountain." he said as he walked towards the trunk and folded up some of the stuff. he didn't really fold but just scrunched up everything in a corner. "Where's your bike?" I asked him as I pulled out my purse and put in on my shoulder." It's at a shop." he said still not taking focus away from his work.

          My phone started vibrating. It was my mom. "Hey mom." I said. "Janie. Where have you been? Jackie told me you went out last night and she hadn't heard room you all night." she said.  Sh*t. "Mom I'm fine." I said."Well come back to Jackie's house I need to talk to you and Lyle together. This is very important." she said still steamed but calm enough to talk to me. "Okay. What is it?" I asked. "Just come back." she said before she hung up. I looked at the phone somethings up. "Who was it?" Nick asked. "That was my mom. She wants me home. She is apparently at your house and she wants to talk to me and Lyle together. She said it was  important." I told him. He started walking towards the drivers door. "Hop in." he said as he opened his door. I opened the door and sat down.

      Most of the ride was quiet. Nick and I would say something from time to time but I couldn't get rid of why my mom was acting so weird out of my mind. I started seeing roads that I recognized. When we got to the house my moms car was in the drive way. Nick and I got out the car. I was walking fast because I was very curious. I stopped leading when we got to the door. Nick pulled his key out and put it in the lock. I stopped him before he turned the key. He looked and me with a serious look. "What if this is something bad?" I said looking at the knob. He looked back down and turned the key. "Your turn." he said as he backed up to let me open the door. I hesitated ad turned the knob and opened the door. The moment I opened the door I dashed to the stairs ad up to my room. "I need a moment!" I shouted as I ran. I'm not good at this type of stuff. I was still in the night dress so I went to pick out some better clothing. I put on a tank top and some shredded shorts. I had to go down there some time so I put my game face on a slowly walked towards the stairs.

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