ch.17 Emily's dad

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                                                           Lyle's pov. :                     

       I can't belive I just did that to Janie. She really like that locket and I destroyed it. It was only out of anger. I went after her apologizing. "Janie. I'm sorry. I can fix it." I pleaded through her shut door. She didn't respond. I kept knocking on her door. But she was good this. She could keep this door closed all day. "Janie." I called one last time. I knew this was no use so I left her to cool off.  I went back down stairs and saw Nick and Jackie talking. She looked angry and disappointed. I listened to what Nick was saying. Damn, busted. When I got to the bottom of the steps Jackie looked at me,"Lyle, should I call your mom or do you think you could handle this yourself?." she asked me with her arms crossed. "No ma'am I'll handle this." I answered. She looked at Nick and back at me. "Okay then. Lucy, baby, come here!" she called. Lucy skipped into the room and stopped at Jackie's feet. "Yes mommy?" she answered. "Come on sweetie, you want to see a movie with me?" she picked up Lucy. Lucy nodded and walked up the stairs. "Dude you gotta do something." Nick told me. "I know." I walked down the rest of the steps. "Why did you do that shit?" he asked. I shrugged and rubbed the back of my neck. I rolled his eyes.

          Then my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out looked. "Is that...." he looked at me. I glanced up and him and dropped my gaze back. "Dude?!" he complained. "It's nothing important." I said a little to quickly. His expression hardened. "I will handle this." I said a little annoyed. He turned and went upstairs. I headed for the basement. I knew Jack and Cole would badger me with questions and I was right. "What happened? Why did you lie to us?! What did you two do? What did you do to Janie? What did mom say? Are you in trouble?" the asked me all at once. "I just don't want to talk about it." I said. "But..." Cole began. "No. I don't want to talk about it! Just leave it at that!" I yelled. They looked insulted and said their side comments. I walked to my room but I felt there eyes stare holes at the back of my head.

          When I looked at my bed I smirked with guilt. I pulled my phone back out and opened the message.

Emily: I'm so sorry. I can't believe that happened. I could understand if you didn't want to see me again.

Me: No. I'm sorry. I was being stupid. This isn't your fault. I couldn't spend a day without you.

Emily: I was being stupid too. I wish I never convinced you into doing it with me.

Me: Emily, I love you and even though things didn't go so well I don't regret my first time being you.

Emily: I love you too and I didn't know it would be like that but you made it special.

Me: How are things going at your place?

Emily: My dad said I was late for dinner and is questioning me for it. What should I say?

Me: Don't tell him we were together. Just say you were with a friend and lost track of time.

Emily: I don't think he would believe me but I'll try. What about you?

Me: Everyone found out. Except my mom. My sister and I got into an argument and I burned her locket. I was just really angry and didn't think about how much it meant to her.

Emily: Is she okay? Are you okay? What did she say that made you angry?

Me: I'm okay but she is pissed off. I don't think you want to know what she said.

Emily: That we are too young.

Me: Yeah but love has no age.

Emily: I think that too but I don't think my dad would agree. I don't want to cause you anymore trouble. If I ruin your family I don't think I could forgive myself.

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