Ch.21 I DO NOT like him!

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        "You liar!" I screamed as I pointed a finger in his face. Lucus just looked like he was enjoying my outburst. Everyone at the local pool were looking at me but I didn't care. I knew my face was as red as a tomato.

        "You told her that lie and because of you she is mad at me and we aren't friends anymore." I accused. "Why do I care?" Lucus shrugged.

        "Why did you do this? She cares about you so much and everything she thought you were is made up. You took her and she thinks she's the only one." I pushed him slightly with one hand.

        "My life isn't any of you're business. If I want to date two different girls at once ,than I will and can. I don't really care how you feel about the subject. My choice was made and that's it. So back off." he said calmly.

        "You ass." I shook my head. "You could've been my bitch too but you made it clear that you aren't ready for me." he smirked. "I didn't want you then I don't want you know and I do think I made it clear I don't like forcive sex drivin jackass like you!" I crossed my arms over my chest.

        "OO that hurt. Really it did but I get over things that skanks say." he made a fake pout face.

        "Lucus." Ali skipped over to his side and planted a kiss on his cheek. "Oh. Hey......Janie." she said snob like. "Ali." I glanced at her and glared back at Lucus. "Is everything okay, hun?" she held on to his arm.

        "Yeah, babe. Janie had to let some steam out but I think she's done." he glared back at me.

        "Babe? You mean you didn't confess to her either? Wow Lucus. Just wow. I bet you have her hooked on the same lie, right? Ugh! I just can't. Ali he is cheating on you! You can't trust him!" I ranted.

        "Janie, I think you should leave. Or just leave my boyfriend alone. I know everything. You just wanted me to break up with him so you could have him for yourself. That's so selfish. You don't know me so well but I'm sorry but I know that Lucus is kind and loving and would never cheat on me." Ali said in a quiet voice.

        Daja Vu, to the max!

        "Ugh! Fine I quiet but I hope you know that this little plan of yours will fall apart. I at least tried." I turned on my heel and strutted out of the local pool.


        "What's wrong with you?" Nick asked as he lounged on the couch. I sighed as I sat next to him. He still wanted his feet on the couch even after I took them off to make room for me ,so he placed his feet on my lap. "Lucus. He is cheating on my best..... on Casey with this girl name Ali and they don't believe me when I tried to tell them. I just don't understand how Casey could believe that scum bag over me." I answered.

        He sat up,"Lucus? Woah, I didn't know he was that type of guy. He seemed so......loyal. A real goody two shoes. Lame. Not really one to be considered devise but this is new for him. His strategy was pretty smart." he smirked. "That's not the point. He ruined my friendship with my best friend and is still cheating on her. This is so stressing me out." I ran my fingers through my hair.

        "Don't you think you have more things to worry about." he relaxed. "Like what, Nick?" I sighed. "You're mom called." he said. I sat up stressed out by the sentenced. "What? What's wrong? Is she okay? What happened to her?" I asked.

        "Calm down. She just said that she was on her way. She needed to talk to you." he said camly.

        "What about?" I put my head in my hands. "I don't know. She going to be here for dinner and is staying for three days before she goes back to Florida." he answered.

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