ch. 8 First date

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    I was on the beach. It was sunset. I wasn't sure how or or when I got here but I felt peacful.
       "Janie."  a voice called to me. It was Nick. I didn't feel mad at him when I saw him I actually wanted to be with him.
         He smiled at me with his beautiful face and eyes. He held his hand out.
        "Come here Janie." he said to me. I smiled and walked towards him. I reached out to hold his hand.
        "Janie." another voice called for me. I turned to see Jake.
         "Jake?" I said. He smiled and held his hand out towards me. I bagan walking towards him.
       "But Janie." Nick said as I reached to touch Jakes hand. nick had the saddest look like I shot him in the heart.
         "Janie?" Jake said shaking his head no. I turned to look at Nick. He was looking down at his hands.
        He was fading away. I started running toward Nick. He reached out to me. When we emmbrassed I looked back at Jake and started fading away. The  second Nick and I lost contacted he started fading too. I ran back for him but by time I got to him he was gone.
        I turned to look at Jake he was near completely gone. I ran towards him as fast as I could but when I got to him he was gone.
        "Nick? Jake?" I called for them. I turned around and I some how got into a bed. It was a king sized bed.
        The room was a romantic bed room with candle lights and sweet smells around the place. The bed a light wooden brown base. There was white silk drappes on the tops of the bed. The bed had lots of white silk covers.

          There was soft music in the background. This was romantic but was this for me? There were heart shapped rose petals everywhere.
          I rolled over and landed on a muscular body. He wrapped an arm around me. I felt at peace and in love. I looked up to see his face but he was blurry. I should have been worried but I felt so calm, so safe, and it was because of him.
       "Who are you?" I asked him calmly. A voice in my head said to me,"Who do you want?". Then everything was fading into black and I  woke up.

                   When I woke up I tryed to remember the dream. It was probably nothing but a dream. I got on to my phone and started texting Jake.

Me: Hey.

Jake: Hey. Wyd.

Me: Nothing I just woke up.

Jake: It's early.

Me: Oh I'm sorry were you asleep?

Jake: Waking up to talk to you is worth it.

Jake: You want to hang out?

Me: Where?

Jake: Where do you want go?


Jake; That's cool I know this great poetry restraunt. Do you want to go?

Me: I would love to.

Jake: Okay I'll pick you up at 5:00. Is that okay?

Me: Sure can't wait.

    I was exited to go. I liked being around Jake he made me feel special. I hoped out of bed and ran to the bathroom.
         I sang No One by Alicia Keys. She is so talented. I tryed to stay quiet. It was 9:00 am. I got dressed in my cut off shorts and a black New York babes tee.
         I put my black and white stripped adidas and went downstairs. When I got down there I looked at the piano. I thought about it and ran back up stairs.
          I slowly peeped into Nick's room. He wasn't there so I went inside. On his wall he had different types of guitars. Some electronic and some acoustic.
         They had something different about them. Weather it be of color, shape, design, size. This was a nice collection. I picked up the one that was electronic yellow to purple.
          It had a nice feeling to it. I sat down on his bed and strummed some of the stings to listen to the instrument. One sting was bad so I used a different string to retune it.
          I began playing Never Think by Robert Pattinson. I liked listening to that song. I didn't know how long I had been playing. I played three more songs, Let me Sign by Robert Pattinson,  Mercy me by Marvin Gaye, and A drop in the ocean by Ron Pope. I closed my eyes as I played.
           I was interrupted by someone coming in, I stopped playing and opened my eyes. That's when I remembered where I was. I looked at the door and there was Nick standing there with his arms crossed. He wasn't looking at me but at the guitar. 
        He looked like he was thinking really hard. That when I thought that shouldn't have come in here and touched his things.
        "I'm sorry. I just um I'll just leave.", I said as I put the instrument down. He grabbed my arm as I tried to walk past him.
        "When did you learn to play?" he said with out looking at me.
        "When I was little. I think I should go." I said trying to pull my arm from his grip.
       "How did you fix it?" he said still not looking at me.
         "Fix it?" I asked him.
            "That one I never play because the D sting won't stay tuned long enough." he explained.
             "I just tuned it and changed it out with a string that was similar to it. That's boot leg but it works until you can get a proper string. Your D string has been used before. Do you change your stings yourself?" I said.
          "No I just sent them all to get cleaned, get touch ups, and replace the strings. I sometimes change my strings but I'm bad at it." he said.
            "Well you need to pick a more local business whoever you are sending them to are doing a bad job. Some one them have scratches on them and finger prints. They are coning you." I stated as he looked at me and let go of my arm.
He went to the guitar ro get a better look."You did this?" he asked in amazement.
      "Yeah. My dad taught me." I said. "I uh gotta go." I said looking at the time it was 4:52 Jake would be here soon.
    "Hey, um can we talk?" Nick asked looking at me.
      "What about?" I was getting suspicious.
       "I didn't mean to hurt you like that yesterday." he said. I just nodded. I felt blank.
     He looked frustrated. "Things just got..." he sighed in frustration,"...crazy." he finished.
      I crossed my arms and agreed with a nod. "I got plans so um..." I really didn't want to think about what happened nor did I want to talk to him. I rubbed his temples.
       "You know I'm trying really hard. The least you could do is try to go along with this." He said.
          "What do you want from me." I said.
       "I don't know just.... just! Please." he said looking pained he isn't used to this tyoe of stuff.
          "I just hate how you feel this way about me." he said with his voice shaking a bit.
        "You are just so um..." he was really trying.
       "Look I can see this is hard for you so just don't waist your breath. " I said.
        "No that's not it." Nick said but Cole peeped in the door.
       "Janie, someone guy named Jake said he is here for you." Cole said.
        "Kay, thanks. Tell him I'm on my way down." I said to him.

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