ch.19 Love'em or Love'em Not

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 Janie's pov.:

      Ever since that night with necklace things have been distant with Lyle and I. Nick and I haven't been talking either. Nick invited those people over anyway. He's been inviting girls over and at this point I'm just let it happen. I don't understand him or how I feel about him. Do I hate him? Are we friends? Does he hate me? Do I like him? Do I even care? Ah ha! This is some type of joke. He is just messing with my head. One moment he hates me and the next he is friendly to me. He confuses me. Like three days ago I asked him for my soap and he threw it across the hall into my room. I asked for my comb and he threw that into my room too. He also had my brush, hair blow dryer, and my mirror. I swear he stashes my things just to mess with me. I yelled at him for doing it and he didn't take me seriously he just laughed and closed his door. Another time was when he let loose a group of kids ,about Lucy's age, rampage the house. He didn't know that mom planned a play date for Lucy and the children and he didn't want to take care of them. I walked in the house and he quickly showed me the children and then left to go to a party before I could even argue and make him stay and take care of the kids. He was capable of caring for all the kids, I think. There were only 8 kids total. They were easy on me but the look on Nick's face amused me when I thought back on it. He owes me for that.

     I walked down stairs to go for my morning jog. When I jogged down stairs into the kitchen to get a fruit bar, I saw Emily come from down stairs. I turned to her slowly and waited for an explanation to why she was here. She didn't look at me, she kept her eyes focused on the ground as she walked. I noticed her wet, red eyes. "Hey." I said. She stopped in her tracks,"Hi." she spoke in a small voice. "Are you okay?" I asked her. "Yeah. Perfect." she spoke too fast. I turned and grabbed my fruit bar,"Are you sure?" I turned to her. "Yes." she didn't move. "Emily, right? Please come sit with me." I walked toward the table. I wanted to sound all formal to make the scene. She took a deep breath,"I have to get home.". "It'll only be a minute. It's okay." I said. She looked at me so I smiled. She slightly smiled and walked to me and sat down. "You like Lyle." I stated. She looked shocked,"Oh. ". "It's nothing to be ashamed of. I understand that what happened was just an accident. It would be wrong for me to just pour all hell on you about it." I began. She relaxed a little bit," I think you were right to react the way you did. You showed that you care and that's good. I wish we met in a better way uh....", "Janie." I finished. "Right. Janie. I wish I had someone like you there for me. Lyle and I just got caught up in the moment but I'm not used to doing things so.... above my head. I wasn't sure of what to think but I knew what I wanted and I wish I could've been smarter with my actions. Lyle isn't the one to blame, he wouldn't have forced me into to it or anything. I convinced him into that. I'm sorry Janie." she apologized. "Emily, you seem really sweet and I trust you enough to know that you are telling the truth. I'm glad that you found happiness with Lyle but I not to fond of the idea you and him doing anything so adults. You have to know that your not in love. Your'e very young and have alot of choices left in your future. You are thirteen and so is Lyle. Don't do anything you two will regret. Be careful. I'm glad for one that it was me that walked in instead of Jackie or my mom. I don't want you to hurt yourself trying dangerous things so young. Lyle my be a nice guy but he is still learning and so are you. Emily, don't take this as ruin your relationship with Lyle because you two are good for each other and I don't want to be the cause of a heart break . Just so you know Lyle cares alot about you. You could tell from the way he talks about you. Emily just know that I except you as a friend and I'm glad that you are there for Lyle."  I smiled. She giggled,"He talks about me?"."Yeah! He would do anything for you. Anything. Oh and that you for the locket." I said. She looked at my neck but her face filled with disappointment. "It was beautiful but it broke by a...... girl. An idiotic girl." I paused because I was going to curse but I don't curse in front of children. "Oh. Well I'm glad you liked it. I hope she got what she deserved." she hinted. "Yeah. I think I taught her a pretty good lesson." I laughed with her. Her laughing quieted and she looked disappointed. "What's wrong?" I asked her. "I wish we could talk more. I guess not." she looked sad. "What? What do you mean? Lyle and...." she cut me off,"we broke up." she looked down. "What? Why?" I asked. She didn't answer. I reached over and held her hand,"Emily. We're friends, you can tell me." I assured her. She looked at me,"My father doesn't want me with him. He thinks it's best that we don't talk or see each other any more." she said. "But don't you like him?" I asked confused. She nodded her head yes.

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