ch.20 Long time No See

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        I woke up to my phone buzzing. I checked and saw twenty plus new messages. I felt startled to see who it was.


        He left a thousand messages explaining apologies and that he messed up and wanted to start over. I knew I shouldn't even try talking to him but he said a lot about how he would change for me and would never hurt me on purpose. I was ticked to see that.

Me: But you did! You hurt me and I truly felt love for you.  How could you do that to me? I didn't mean for my past to haunt you but I hope you're happy you got what you wanted.....revenge.

        I probably looked stupid making the faces I made at my phone but I meant what I said. I quickly got a text back.

Jake: Janie. About time you texted me back. Look I'm so sorry and I know you might never forgive me but I want you to know that I loved you too. I wish I could take back what I did but I can't. I made those actions because I was high. I couldn't control myself and I hurt you in the process my stupidity.

Me: I understand but you broke my heart. I don't think a betrayal like this could just be thrown over the shoulder. I thought you loved me too but if you did you wouldn't ever done that to me.

Jake: Janie, I'm so sorry.

Me: I wish I could forgive you but you attempted to rape me. You hit me. You swore when we were kids that you would never do that. You lied to me Jake you lied.

        I felt the tears peak out of my eye lids.

Jake: I'm not expecting you to just let this go. What I want is for you move on to some one better. But if you ever gave me another chance I would be grateful.

    I knew he was lieing. This isn't about me, it's about him getting back at Nick. The thing is he doesn't know I know about Ashley.

Me: Why did you attack me the way you did when Nick came around?

         I sat back and waited for a response. It seemed to take forever. He was getting suspious. Good.

Jake: I was high and angry. This doesn't have anything to do with Nick.

Me: What about Ashley?

Jake: What about her?

Me: Well I'm just guessing sense you mentioned her as you through me to the pavement and seemed to care a lot about Nick's response to that, I just thought she might have something to do with this.

Jake: She was just a friend. More like a sister to me. No big deal.

                So this isn't a big deal? What other lies is he going to tell me?

Me: What happened? Why were you mad at Nick about her. What happened to Ashley?

Jake: Nothing. Look I gotta go.

Me: Oh really? Well don't talk to me again or look for me. Just so you know Nick and I aren't anything together so just because you're mad at him for taking your girl years ago doesn't mean he likes me or even cares about me in that way. So stay away from me. I don't trust you any more. I will never ever belong to you and you won't get the opportunity to hurt me again so take me off your target list. The next time you even touch me I will call the cops. I don't care what you have to say because I know you are lieing to me. I loved you then but I don't now. I hate you Jake! I wish things didn't have to go this way but I did.

Jake: Janie I wasn't lieing to you. I would never lie to you. Any thing that bastered told you is a lie.

Me: Goodbye, Jake.

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