ch.21 Cheater

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         The next day was pretty normal. I was glad to see that Jake hadn't texted me back. It was for the best. I got up and remembered that I ran into Tony last night.


        He still liked me. I hoped I didn't break his heart by not kissing him back, I just didn't feel the fireworks. I still liked him though. He was always good at charming me. I leaned over to check my phone for him.

        0 texts.

I sighed and got up. I felt like a new person that day. After my shower and morning cleaning ritual, I picked up the remote and turned on the t.v. I still haven't used. America's Next Top Model was on and it was my favorite episode. I turned and picked up my other remote to the blue and black stereo and turned up the music. Bang Bang by Ariana Grande, Nicki Manaj, and Jessie J boomed through my room. I danced along with the music and sang the lyrics. I nailed Nicki's rap.

        I played around and pulled my clothes out of the closet, throwing the ones that didn't appeal to me behind my back, all to the beat of the music. I Found my super cute white lace shirt with light blue jean shorts. I grabbed my black thigh high tube socks and white Nike Dunks high tops white black lacing and  trim.

        The next song that played was All About That Bass. I loved it. I danced to the mirror and worked on my hair. I decided to leave it down and put on my black beanie cap. My style was on point. I looked....cute.

        Smiling in satisfaction, I had my own mini fashion show in my mirror. I was working it

 Strut. Strut. Strut. And pose. Work it. Work it. Cute. Sassy. Fearce. Uh Hum. Yeah. Now give me sad. Happy. Bad girl. Work it. And final pose.

        I said in my head. Suddenly my head snapped back to the sound of my phone. I literaly flew across my room like a true athlete to get it. I looked down to see a new text on the notifications bar. I tapped it and saw Tony's name.

Tony: Hey,belles fleur.

Me: Hey.

        It took for ever for him to text back but he did.

Tony: Wyd.

Me: Nothing.

Tony: Well in that case do you want to do something?

Me: Idk. What do you have in mind?

Tony: We could go to a movie.

Me: Sounds fun. Which one?

Tony: Which one do you want to go to?

Me: I've been looking forward to Lucy.

Tony: Cool. What time do you want me to pick you up.

Me: When do you want to?

Tony: At 8.

Me: The movie starts at 5.

Tony: We'll watch the late one. Is that okay?

Me: Yeah sure.

Tony: My buddy wants to double date.

Me: I don't mind.

Tony: Cool see you at 8, belles fleur.

Me: Bye.

        I smiled at me phone. I felt special again. A feeling I've missed for so long. Well not that long but it's felt like forever. The beginning of this summer sucked but the middle seems to always be better.

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