ch.26 I love you too

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        I sped down the road with no problem. I was surprised that no one stopped me. I arrived at the gas station in one minute flat. I slammed on the breaks and made the tires squeal.

        "Hop in." I reached over. "Woah. Janie when did you learn to drive like that?" Casey asked as she sat in the car. "Nick." I focused on the road. She bulked in and I sped off. She was freaking out beside me but that was least of my worries.

        "Turns out you were right. Lucus was cheating." she said. I rolled my eyes. "I should've listened to you ,Janie. I'm sorry." she apologized. "Those words have been thrown around a lot lately. How did you find out." I sighed. "He took me to a club and got drunk. Some girl was claiming that he was her boyfriend when I caught them making out. He admitted to it and said that he could have to girls if he wanted. I asked him about you and he stood up and told everyone he did it with you. I knew he was lieing. You would never do that. He was lieing and cheating. How could I beleive him? I chose him over you. My best friend and lost you. I wish it never happened." she grimaced. "Don't worry. I knew that you might figer it out. You stubborn, CC but I love that about you sometimes too. You will always be my best friend." I smiled at her. She smiled back.


        I parked so far away from the building because all the good spots were taken. The mall wal next to the airport so yeah this lots was pretty much full all the time. Casey and I ran as fast as we could to the building without getting hit by a car.

        When we got inside we looked all around for some signs. We went up to a lady that worked there.

        "Hi, may I help you." she put a dumb smile on her face. "Yeah. We need to find out what flight Nick McMoy is going to be on." Casey said. "Um, I'm sorry but I'm afraid I can't give out any information on a person here unless you have I.D." she shook her head. "Please. He might be on like first class. You could check. He's heading on the flight to England." I forced. "No. I can not do that. I'm sorry but giving information ,especially for first class, will cost me my job." she said. I was getting angry. "Thank you any way." Casey moved her along.

        "Where should we go?" she asked. I looked over and saw something. It was Nick. He was heading onto the escalator upstairs.

        "There!" I shouted and we dashed toward him. We were stopped when we ran into two people. Oh great. It was Kenzie and her best friend Jessica.

        "What the hell?" Kenzie got up. Jessica stood up and looked at us. They both shared a look of disgust.

        "Look it's the ugly and her twin sister horrendous." Kenzie insulted. "Look the wicked witch knows what horrendous means." Casey came back.

        "What ever major loser." Kenzie and Jessica made the hand jesters. "This is a waste of time. Get out of our way." I tried to move past them but the didn't let us go.

        "What's wrong? Got cold feet Janie?" Jessica sassed. "What are you two doing here?" I folded my arms.

        "We are going a vaca to Brazil!" Kenzie over expressed. "Great. Hope you don't turn anyone into stone there. They might all ready be scared to hear the news that you two are coming." Casey said. "Shut up!" Jessica snapped. "I'm just saying, that make up can't cover everything. Hope you're not planning to were a bikini with that body. There's going to be kids there." Casey looked them up and down while making a face.

        "Why I auta..." Jessica lunged at Casey but Kenzie was holding her back. They stopped and quieted down.

        "Janie, I heard Tony dumped your sorry ass." Kenzie smiled. "And he dumbed your sorry as for me. I guess he's on a roll." I growled. Her smile dropped. "You little...." I cut her off with a slap across the face. "Honestly, I don't care! I don't want to hear what you have to say about me! Everything you say is shit! You are nothing to me! Nothing! I don't think I will understand what I did to you but I'm tired of your attacks! If you can't tell me that you don't remember when you were once nice to to me than don't have a single conversation with me. I'm tired of your bullcrap! Leave me alone and stay away from me! I have something way more important than doing this with you again! You are such a horrible person and it's not my fault! It's yours! Just tell me why you are this way! Tell me! Tell me ,Kenzie!" I screamed.

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