ch.2 Welcome

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        After Lyle and I got our bags in the back of my car, we started our two hour journey out of town. Lyle was being an idiot most of the time. He was making faces out the window and either scaring the crap out of people or disgusting them.
    This only lady was on her phone and pocked up her cup of coffee and when she looked to her left she freaked out and splashed coffee every where. She then shot birdies at us and looking like she was yelling curse words. We just laugh she looked like she'd gone completely crazy. What really got me was when the light flash green, she turned her head smiled a little crazy like and drove off like nothing happened.

        I danced and sang/rappped along to Drake, Lil- Wayn, Robert Pattionson, Paramore, Alice Keys, Jason Durulo, Iggy Azalea, Christinna Perri, and the Fry. I have a lot more on my play list but its a long list.

        Lyle kept changing my music and yelling through the music. Was this kid special and no one told me? He is immature." Lyle, stop or I WILL strap you to the back of the car!" I yelled over the loud music . He rolled his eyes and put his headphones and pulled out his phone. ThankGod!

        About thirty minutes later Lyle was asleep. I liked it when he was asleep, he seemed peaceful and he was quiet, unconscious, and breathing but not moving. Yep just me, myself and unconscious, unmoving yet breathing Lyle. He has a good chance with a lot of girls in the future and that worries me. He keeps finding trouble but he is a good kid. I love my little brother with his cute dimples and dark brown hair along with his brown eyes all traits he got from my mom but we think the dimples are just a skipped trait. His baby fat is going away and is being replaced with strong features. He has been working out for a while and it's been working for him.

        Once we arrived at Ms. Jackie's place I honked the horn which ,ofcourse, woke up Lyle. Jackie came outside with the biggest grin I've ever seen. Jackie was beautiful. Her beautiful blue eyes sparkled. She had sun kissed skin similar to mine. Her face was framed by her silky jet black hair. She kept her shape even after four kids, wow. She looked around 31. My mom was 21 win I was born and is 37, Jackie is 34.

        She looked good too, she hasn't changed from the last time I saw her. " Janie! Lyle!", Jackie said with two boys following behind her.They looked similar to each other. Blonde hair and brown eyes with a similar build to Lyle. But one of them had freckles and shaggy hair while the other had while the other had pure skin and a spicky hair cut. Once we got out, Lyle walked towards them and they seemed to know each other.

        "Hey, Ms. Jackie." I smiled. " Oh, Janie just call me Jackie." she giggled a little at my small talk. " Boys, go gather the bags. Show Lyle his room, I'll show Jeanie to hers." she said to her sons. "Oh! Where are my manners? Janie these are my twimn boys, Cole," she said as she gestured to the boy with shaggy hair and freckles , " and Jack." she said gesturing to the other boy with a spickey hair cut.
   "Hey." Cole said.
     "Sup." Jack said as he put his hands in his pockets.
    "Hi.", I waved.
    "Boys, where is Nick?" Nick where have I heard that name before?
   "He is still in his room. "Cole said as he helped pull bags out the trunk.
   "Come on Janie, I'll show you your room.". She lead me in side and started pointing out the different rooms we passed by.

        Her house was beautiful . It looked like guys from Property Brothers and Color splash came in and had a baby! She was leading me to the kitchen before heading to my room.         

        As we passed the stair way, which was huge and just had one big spiral on its way up, Jackie yelled up stairs, "Nick! They are here! Come get some bags! ........Nick!".

        "What!?", was all we heard in response.

         "Nick! I'm not playing with you!". "I'm coming! Calm down!". Then we keard foot steps come down the stairs.

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