ch. 9 Save the day

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          Jake had been taking me on dates for weeks. He was such a gental men. We would go to carnivals, movies, dinner dates, concerts, and parties. He makes me happy. Jake wanted to take me to a club tonight and I couldn't wait. He texted me alot of sweet love letters and poems. He was very passionate about them. He told me he had a special superise for me but that was planned later on. I dressed in a skin tight red dress that stopped to show my legs. I put on some black high heels that matched my purse. I put my hair in a fish tail braid to the side. I was running through out my room to make sure I could move without messing up my look. I put some silver jewlrey to class things up.

        Once I was okay with my look I brushed my teeth for the millionth time and walked down stairs. Nick was coming out of his room and he looked like I catch him off guard but I just walked past him. Once I got down stairs I heard a knock at the door. Nick came down stairs in a lether jacket and black pants. I rolled my eyes and went to open the door.

        "Hey, beautiful." Jake said to me. "Hey." I blushed. Nick smacked his lips and Jake shot a death glare at him. Nick took a more defensive stance as he gathered his keys. I glanced over my shoulder and Nick glanced at me and back at Jake."You ready?" Jake asked. "Um yeah." I said. Jake put a hand on the small of my back and lead me to his car. Nick followed and hopped on his motorcycle. "Jake kept his eyes on Nick and Nick did the same to Jake. What's with them? Jake kiss my forehead before opening the door for me. I climbed in the car and he closed it for me. Nick drove off before Jake got to his side.

       Once Jake got in the car I held his hand. He smiled at me. "I'm sorry." I said. "It's okay. Let's not think about that. Tonight is about us." he said. 


       When we got to the club Jake walked to my side of the car. The place was huge. I was wowed buy how many people were there. Jake and I started out the night by dancing. The music was on point. I had a lot of fun. The one thing that bothered me was when everytime I spoke to someone he would want to be the only one talking. I did have my moments of stardom but Jake didn't seem to please. There were times that Jake would leave me alone and that was relieving but I didn't know why he was acting so strange and demanding. He disappeared somewhere but came back with an angered look on his face.

           Jake saw me yawning,"Come on we're leaving.". He looked angery and bothered. "What's wrong?" I asked. He didn't answer. "Jake?" I asked. He was still pulling me by my arm. "Ow! Jake stop!" I said as I snatched my arm back. We were in the parking lot by this time and Jake kept walking to the car. I stood in my place as he stepped in the car. I stared at him and he didn't glance at me. I was willing to be stubborn but he was my only ride home, at the moment. I walked toward the car and got in. I rubbed my arm and didn't look at him.

      Jake started the car and we drove in silence. I tried starting small conversations but Jake didn't seem like he was in the mood.

         We arrived at his house. I've never been there before, it looked nice and cozy. He lived in a large town house. "I like your home." I said. He didn't say anything and just got out the car. He didn't open my door for me, which was odd. I got out the car and followed him to the front door. I touched his arm and he shrugged my hand off. He pulled out his keys and unlocked the door. I followed him inside. "You really know how to decorate. Maybe you should teach me a thing or two." I complamented his coffee color schemed house. It looked bigger in the inside. He didn't respond, he just went to his living room. I followed behind him, I was getting fustrated by his rude behavior so I reached for his hand."Jake I..." my words were cut off when he lifted his  hand and stuck me with a lot of force. I fell back and put my hand to my face. He had so much anger in his expression. "Jake?" I said shocked. "Shut up! You thought this wouldn't happen?" he began pacing."What? What did I do?" I asked confused. "Ha! What did you do? What did you do. You've done a lot. I fell in love with you and still you do what you did to me before. I sacraficed a lot for you and you never cared. I didn't date other girls in hope that you would be mine forever but the moment I told you how I felt you laughed at me but you were able to go with Tony! I was ready to kill him!" he started mummbling somthing I couldn't understand. "I had so many chances and I couldn't believe the girl of my dreams would betray me! And to think you had the nerve to dress like that and flirt with those guys. You know that's all this night made me think of. You just showing all your stuff to all those guys. I saw you." he yelled still pacing. "I wasn't flirting!" I yelled.

          "Don't lie to me b*tch!" he yelled back. "You have no athority over me so what I wear doesn't need your imput a$$hole!" I mummbled. His eyes shot to me and he stopped pacing. He approched me so I started scooting back and turned to start running. The moment I got to my feet somthing yanked on my hair. Jake held me by my hair and threw me into the wall. I screamed in agony."Shut the h*ll up!" he yelled and he kicked me and punched me. "Stop!" I cried. He pulled my leg and started dragging me to the stairs. I grabbed a glass cup and threw it at him. That caused him to drop my leg and so I got up and ran. He chased me all through the house. I pulled out my phone while I ran and quickly dialed.

          The phone rang once.....twice..... then he answered. "Hello?" Nick answered. "Nick..... help me...... ow!..... Nick please..... he is......" I said through heavy breaths as I ran and douged the things Jake kept throwing at me. "Janie?" Nick asked, concerned. "Come here B*tch!" Jake shouted. "Janie! What the h*ll is going on?Janie?!" Nick asked francticly. I screamed and Jake nearly through something at my head but then he picked up a lamp and aimed for my head again. I was cornered when he threw it. I felt a sharp pain and I fell to the ground. My phone fell out of my hand and Jake picked it up. "Don't worry about her she'll be fine." Jake said with a smirk. Nick was cursing through the phone and calling for me. Suddenly I felt weak and everything went black.

       I woke up on a silk covered bed and water was running from the bathroom. I looked over and saw Jake sniffing something. Then he stuck a niddle in his arm and pushed. My heart beat picked up as I remembered the past events."Get up." Jake said without looking at me. I slowly got up and he walked towards me. "Put this on." he said as he tossed me a piece of cloth. I held it out and looked at it. My heart fell. This was a teenie tiny bikini. I can't wear somthing like this. I looked up at him and shook my head no. He pushed on the bed,"Look if you do this my way things will go easier." he said. I just looked at him. He looked angerd and ripped the bottom of my dress."Or this could be very hard for you." he threatened. I got up and went to the bathroom. I cried quietly as i dressed in the small clothing. My bodies curves were expressed in the bikini. Jake scared me when he called for me. I couldn't believe this was happening.

          Jake yelled for me again and I slowly walked out. He was in a seat across from the bed."Get on it, NOW!" he comanded. I walked to the bed and he smiled as he looked at my body. I stopped and just looked at the bed in shame. He stood up and walked to me and hit my face and pushed me on the bed. He got on top of me and pushed his lips to mine. I started fighting him. I didn't want him to do this. He started moving against my body and rubbed his hands all over. I ever movment I made seemed to please him. I decided to bite his lip but he bit back. He was so agressive. I started cring because I didn't know what to do. He was touching me everywhere and I couldn't stop him, he was stronger me. He first pulled off his shirt. In my struggled fight with him, ont once did our lips separate. He pulled my legs to his sides and started pushing his body to mine. I knew what was next and I rushed my hands to my lower part. He took a breath and I took that chance to scream outloud. He laughed at me,"Go a head scream. It's just you and me.". He started unbuckling his belt and I felt sick. He put his hands on the bottoms I was wearing and began untieing. "Help me, please." I whispered a cry one last time.

         Suddenly the door slammed open. "Get the f*ck off of her!" Nick yelled before he tackled Jake across and off the bed. I quickly got up and watched in shock. Nick was above Jake, punching him repeatedly. Jake got one hit to Nick. Nick fell over and Jake got up and started towards me. I froze. Jake reached out for me with so much anger in his red face. Suddenly Nick punched Jake again and Jake goes down. Nick was cursing and kicking Jake. I ran over and placed my hand on Nick's arm. When I got there, there was blood on the carpet. Jake was knocked out. "Nick." I whispered. He didn't stop. "Nick stop." I said. That's when he looked at me and stopped kicking. He faced me and then looked down. I knew what he was thinking."I'm sorry." I said as I coverd my exposed body. Nick took off his leather jacket and placed it over my shoulders. "Are you okay?" he asked me. I nodded my head. Nick went to the bathroom to get my clothing but he saw the drugs on the sink counter. He came back to me and gave me my things then put his hand on the small of my back and lead me down stairs. The place was a mess. I looked at the door and it was distroyed. A motorcyle was in the house. Nick drove through the door.


          Nick got on it first and handed me a helment. "Get on." he told me. I sat on the back and put the helment."Hold on tight." he instructed and I obeyed. Then he started the bike and we headed off on the rode.

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