ch.12 Alicia

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       I spent most of those days texting, drawing, or writing. I would usually  go out for walks and go to shopping. I wasn't like depressed I just wanted to comprehend my moms choice. She is doing this to because she wanted to be happy. I didn't know she wasn't. I haven't spoken to here ssince she came over. She knows I love her but these type of things take a little time for me. She understands that I will be totally fine with everything buy now. I don't know to much about moving but if Jonathan makes her happy then that's okay. I went to the mall to shop for shoes. i was trying some shoes on when a girl with black staight hair, green eyes. and freeckles. She was trying on some sneakers. "Hi, I'm Alicia. Alicia Lopez." she said to me. She had a beautiful accent. "Janie Kyler." I said. "It's nice to meet you. I think I've seen you before. I think you were at a party.We never met though." Alicia said. "Well I'm sorry we haven't. I have some other things to do, would you like to come along?" I asked as I put some shes in a box. "Sure." she said. We payed for our shoes and went to buy some clothes. We talked the whole way finding things in common. She was very nice. We talked for what felt like hours. Went to the food court and ate tocos. "No simblings?" I asked. "Nope. Only child and no cousins either." she said before she took a sip of her drink."Doesn't that get boring?" I asked. "Well at first but my parents gave me alot more freedom with my life. I got to do alot of things on my own at a young a age." she said. "Oh. So I guess you had alot of friends." I said. "Well I had to learn how to talk to people. I had to stop being shy. Meeting people was something I had to make apart of me. Friends wasn't much of a problem for me." she smiled. "Well you are a preety girl. There must be some boy your with right?" I asked. "Thankyou and yes I'm in a relationship. It's long distance but I hope to move in with him soon. He lives in New York." she said. "New York is long way from here. How does your family feel about that?" I asked before I took a bite of my toco. "They don't know. They don't really like him. He can be a bit of trouble sometimes but I love him and he loves me. I just hope to be able to tell my parents and just go. I'm turning eighteen soo anyway. I'm a woman and I need to make my own choices." she said. "Are you sure that's what you want. I mean they are your parents. They have done alot for you right?" I asked. "My parents weren't evry truley there for me. I was adopted so alot of my nannies where more of moms to me. I love my parents but I just always depended on other people. My parents sent me to theropy but I think it's because I'm not there perfect little girl anymore. Even though they weren't there, they managed to keep a tight leash on me. I started going out and doing what ever I wanted when I was sixteen. Things progressed and I am basicly a free woman. They still don't want to tell me about my birth parents." she explained. She was preety casual about it. "What do you mean did what ever you do?" I asked."I see where you are going with this. Well for one I'm no longer a virgin. I regret that very much. I should've thought about it before I went along with it. I thought I was truly in love but I was wrong. I was just used. He was my boyfriend at the time but he was a bad boy type and just wanted sex. I gave it to him and the next thing I know he was with some other girl." she said. "I'm sorry." I said. "It's okay. I started doing drugs but I started rehabe for that. I'm slowly getting there. I wouldn't say I had a complete suck a$$ life. My family is rich so I have never been with out what I wanted. Just um a little short of what I needed." she said as she started getting quiet on the subject. "Are you done eating?" she asked me. I swolled,"Yeah, you?" I asked. She nodded and we stood up to through away our trash. "Well goodluck on your plan. You want to come to my place, we could try on clothes in my room." I said. "Sure." Alicia answered. Then I saw a girl walking towards us. It was Kenzie. Oh what a pleasent suprise. "Janice!" she called towards me. "My name is Janie." I said to her. "What ever I heard that you are dating Jake. I'm suprised, you seem out of his league. I think I would've been better with him." Kenzie said with two girls following close behind her and agreeing. "Well guess who has him and who doesn't." I responded. I was lying but it was for a good cause. Kenzie scowled at me. "What ever. I just wanted to congradulate you. Finally you gave it up. It took you forever but you aren't that perfect angle everyone thought you were." she smiled at me evily. "What are you taking about?" I asked. She laughed and pulled me to the side to talk more privitely. "Jake told everyone you and him did it a couple nights ago and have been do it evry night sense. He says that you can't resist him but you aren't one of his best." she said laughing. "Shut up. We haven't done anything together. I broke up with him a couple nights ago when he tryed to...." I stopped. "What?" she stopped laughing but still was smiling. "Nothing. Jake and I are over besides it doesn't concern you. Kenzie you hate me right? Why would you care." I asked. Her smile faded away. "I don't." she said. "Well that's just great. I guess you like trying to hurt me. You just get a kick out of seeing my pain." I said. She didn't say anything. Her eyes dropped. "Maybe." she said and a smile appered on her face. I was pissed. "Why are you such a b*tch? What did I do to you? You know Jake hurt me in more than one way. I can't forgive him and he has some nerve to turn around and do this. And then you just make things worse. I don't understand why you hate me so much. What do you have to say for the way you treat me? Kenzie?" I said. She looked and smirked."I have a good reason Janie." she said. "Then say it." I said with anger. She wispered in my ear," I was going to take him from you but sense you two broke up that must be a broken heart somwhere and it seems like Jake isn't the one heart broken. This wil be fun to see. Yes Janie your pain makes me happy." she said. I was fuming,"Well you neeed a better hobby than being a b**chy h*e." I said before I walked passed her to Alicia. "Let's go." I said to her. "Janie." Kenzie asked almost sounding like a plead. I turned and she had a stressed look on her face but that quickly dropped. "Who said that was my hobby. I just find joy out of it." she smiled evily again and signaled her friends to walk with her. They struted away with somthing they didn't have.
              I got in my car and Alicia got in hers. She followed me to the house. "This is your place?" she asked impressed when we got there. "Well no I'm just staying here for the summer." I said. We walked in with all our bags. The T.V. was on. Nick was laid out on the couch with his phone in hand. He was wearing and navy blue V- neck and some sweat pants. "Who is it." he snapped. "Me." I snapped back, it was entertaining how that played out. "Ugh, great what do you want." he said without looking up. I started walking toward the couch."If you forgot I live here too." I said. "Really? When?" he smirked without looking up. Alicia giggled and stopped when she looked at Nick. Nick looked up at her. They both looked shocked. "Um Nick this is....." I said. "Alicia." he said as he sat up. He didn't look to happy. "Nick." Alicia said still looking shocked."Do you too know each other?" I asked. "No." Nick snapped, I say anger grow in his eyes. "Let's go Alicia." I said. Alicia quickly moved and didn't drop her eye contact with Nick. Mean while Nicks jaw was clenched. When Alicia was out his vision he dropped his face and ran his hands through his hair.
          What just happened. Alicia stopped at the stairs. She called for me and Nicks body locked up. I went to her and we walked to my room. She didn't look at me but i keept looking at her. I sat on the bed waiting for her to fiish trying on her dress. She tryed on several and I finished trying on mine. She came and looked in the long mirror. "What do you think, Janie."she asked. "It looks good."I said planey. She turned around to look at me. "Janie, what's wrong." she said in her strong accent. "What was that?" I asked. "What?" she smiled in confusion. "What do you mean what? With Nick. What did all that mean?" I asked. She turned back around and dropped her head to watch her hands. "Alicia." I said. She glanced up at me,"Okay but please be understanding." she said. I slowly nodded. She turned to me and began pacing back and forth as she talked. "Nick and I use to date. He and I loved each other or atleast I loved him. We had such a horriable relationship that was filled with alot of hate and anger. We hated each other but we could stand being away from each other. He was the one who did it. You know did it with me. He cheated and dumped me afterwards. I'm preety sure he was cheating before then. I told him how much I loved him and how hurt I would be if he left me. I begged him to stay with me. He laughed in my face and left me behind to go pick up some other girl that he was planning for also. He played me like a violin. Along with five other girls. Alot of girls now a days know that he doesn't date because he is so irresistable and he is aware of what he can do. I know him enough to know that it pains him to go back in his past. If anything he would do anything to try to forget what he has done these past few years." she said. Some of the things she said where hard to understand with her accent. "Do you still feel that way about..." I didn't need to finish. She looked at me,"Do you?" she asked. I shrugged. "Janie, I will warn you now he isn't as great as you think he is. I used to think there was good inside of him but he will never open up and let go and become a better man. He will lie to you and tell you you're special. Anytime he could get you into a bed he will do it. Trust me I know. He will hurt your pure soul. He isn't worth it." she said. I nodded and put my clothes into my bag.
     "I'm going to put my stuff in my car." she said and left my room. I had been aiting in my room for a while so I started thinking about what she said. One thing that was opposite from what she said. He had the opstion to take me but he stopped me. Why? I still don't understand why. I started hearing muffled arguing. I walked out my room to listen. By time I got to the stairs the voices were clearer. Alicia and Nick were arguing. I sat on the steps and listened. "Shut up!" Nick yelled. "You think you can just control me? You put me through so much, Nick!" Alicia yelled. "I loved you, I saw who you truley were! You only saw me for my looks! You got what you wanted from me by lieing!" she yelled. "Leave!" Nick yelled. "Oh yeah! You think you can just shut me out. I'm just a reminder of what you've become. I am what you left behind and you know what other girls know it too. Don't you feel shame? Why don't you feel my pain? I wake up every day thinking about you and I go to sleep crying think about you! Why Nick, why did you do this to me?!" she screamed. "Leave you b**ch!" he yelled. "You called me that all the time and a$$hole, sl*t, th*t, f*cked up b**ch, and alot more. It used to hurt but not anymore! You can't phase me anymore. I have no worry about how you feel! You're going to have to make me, Nick!" she yelled. He picked her up and carried her over his shoulder. She was screaming and cursing, telling him to put her down. He placed in the front door. "You did it to me and you'll do it to any one!" she yelled. "That's not true." he said. "You think you can run from it by smoking and drinking. But you and I both know it doen't last long. You will feel what I feel one day. I wonder if your tiny heart acn even contain love. I doupt it. You know you have that girl wrapped around your finger and you will leave her like you left me. Such a sweet girl, I almost feel bad for her. I like her she is so innocent and you are just going to snatch that right of her." she said. He lifted his hand like he was going to hit her. She didn't flitch but if he did it I would've screamed. She laughed evily,"You didn't hit me then you won't hit me now." she said. Nick sighed and dropped his hand,"Alicia, I did love you. You drove me crazy like no other and for some reason I fell for that about you. I didn't want to hurt you but I had my own reasons and needs. You were special to me." he said. I held my breath. Why was I feeling so tense. Alicia looked into his eyes and forced a kiss to him. It looked so aggressive. He kissed back. He pulled away and looked in her eyes,"I said did and were. All pastence like you and my feelings for you. You and I were only together in the past. That was my past. The last time I dated and I don't want to go back. I won't do this again. Don't forget what you did too." he said. Alicia looked like she was going to cry. She rushed her lips to his again and jumped on him. He didn't drop her and kissed back. She started moaning in the kiss. My chest felt cold. I didn't like this at all. I felt broken. He placed her down. "I don't date so don't even try this with me again. Just leave." he said. She looked at him," How do you feel about her?" she asked. "If it makes you feel better I don't think it will last. But I will always love you but our lives aren't meant to be. Janie, she is just here. That's all." he said. She smiled,"I have to go. Good bye Nick." she said. Nick openned the door and left.
      Nick closed the door and sighed. He puched the wall,"D*NM IT!!!!" he said. He wasn't damaged but the wall had a hole. I stood up and his attention shot to me. I fought tears. I turned to walk away. "Janie!" Nick called for me. He skipped steps to get to me. I just looked at him with a pitiful look on my face. "How much did you see?" he asked."Enough to know the truth." I said weakly. My chest hurt. "Look that's not what I meant." he said."What did you mean Nick because it sounded like I am just here and you just see me the same way you see lots of other girls. I'm no diffrent to you." I said still weak. "Janie..."Nick started but the door busted open. Lyle, Cole, and Jack came in running."Janie! It's dad! The letter it's about dad." Lyle said looking very stressed. He ran up the stairs and gave me a peice of paper."Lyle what's wrong?" I asked. He looked like he saw a ghost. Lyle just stared at the paper. I looked at Nick. He looked confused. "Is it true?" Lyle asked me. I opened the letter and read the words,"Oh my god." I said in a shaking voice.

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