Ch.15 Questions

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       I woke up in an unfamiliar room. It was a guys  bed room. I sat up but my head was throbbing. I winced and laid back down. Where was I? What happened last night? I closed my eyes as I saw the sun rising and that irritated me. I looked over at the clock and it was 10. I laid back done and listened to the thumping sound in my scull.

   Someone came in. I peeked to see who it was. "Heeyyy. You're finally awake." Nico said smug like. "Ugh. What happened?  I feel awful. " I complained. He started laughing. "Stop giggling and tell me what's wrong." I said. "Okay first guys don't giggle and second you're hung over." he smirked. I moaned. "I didn't know you drank, Chick." he said. "Not anymore. I fell sick." I said. He laughed,"I'll got get some stuff from the store. Go shower it will make you fell better." he suggested.  I got up and my legs wiggled and caused me to fall on the floor.  Nico help me up but my stomach felt like it flipped.

     I ran to the bathroom and closed the door. I puked violently. "Hey, you okay?" Nico asked through the door. "I'm......fine.....just go....... I'm okay, really." I said. "You want me to call Nick?" he asked me. "No.... don't......please...... ugh..... I'm okay." I said. I heard him walk away. I started the shower water and turned to look in the mirror.  I looked like  I sounded..... wasted.

     I combed my fingers through my hair. I looked at my messy clothes, my shirt looked the worst of all with so many alcohol stains. I rolled my eyes, ashamed of my decisions. Pulling off my clothes slowly made my head hurt less and didn't upset my stomach. The water was good for my tense muscles but my head throbbed with the humidity.  I rubbed my temples very hard. I couldn't take it anymore,  I turned to warm water to cold. The moment the cold touched my body, my back arched and I was freezing but my head felt a hundred times better. I ran circles in the shower to keep some warm but that didn't last long.

       I turned the heat back up but the throbbing came back. This was horrible. I got out the shower with a hint of blue in my lips. I dried off and tied my hair in a fish tail braid which looked really pretty with my wet curls. I put my bra on and the sweat pants I wore the day before. My nicely tone stomach looked good, I never noticed how shaped it was. My stomach didn't fell so bad anymore.

      I  gargled some mouth wash and pulled out a tiny tooth brush kit. After I finished my stomach growled.  I knew I wouldn't be able to hold down anything. I walked down stairs and into the kitchen. There were some pop tarts so that's what I ate. Everything  reflecting light bothered my head ache. Every step I took felt like a needle was poking at my brain.  This was so agonizing.  After I ate I laid down on the couch in the living room and closed my eyes.

      I fell asleep soon after I found comfortable position. "Chick. Wake up." Nico called as he opened the door.  I sat up but my head still hurt so closed my eyes and rubbed the side of my head. "Ouch." I complained. He came to me with a cup and a peel. I raised an eyebrow at him. "It's an aspirin." he rolled his eyes. I took the peel and fizzy drink. The drink was ginger ale. I held my breath and took down the peel and the ginger ale followed behind. My head felt a little better and my stomach was no longer upset. "So how did you get into all that last night?" Nico asked me as he sat in a seat. "Please do not get me started." I raised one hand. He shrugged and pulled a plate from the coffee table. He began eating a hot pocket. I stretched out and rubbed my arms. I noticed that I was only wearing a bra and sweat pants. I immediately blushed and covered my chest with my arms. He didn't notice because he was watching t.v. "Nico what were you doing there?" I asked. "I got bored of being at home." he smirked. Nico turned and looked at me and noticed my problem. "I'll be right back." he got up and went upstairs. I sighed and leaned back in the couch. I could hear foot steps upstairs and then down the stairs. "Here." Nico tossed me a shirt. I put it on but was a bit over sized so one of my shoulder showed. "I didn't know you were such a bad girl." he sat back down in his seat. I took a sip of my drink. "What ever.' I smiled. He smiled too. "What's going on with you and Nick?" he asked. "Me and Nick? When did that ever happen." I was confused. "You two seem like an item. I thought something would've happened by now. You are dating him right?" he asked. "What! No! Me and Nick? No never! What gave you such a stupid idea like that? Besides I just got out of a relationship, which didn't go as well I had hoped." I stood up defensively.              

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