ch.4 Another day

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     When I woke up, the t.v. was on. Lucy was sitting on her bean bag chair in the middle of the floor watching Xena: The Warrior Princess. I loved that show when I was a kid but this is a little out of her generation isn't it? "Hey Lucy. What are you watching?" I said while sitting up. I knew the answer but I just wanted to hear her voice.

        "Goodmorning Janie. I'm watching Xena." she pointed at Xena at the screen,"See that lady right there? That Lucy Lawless she plays Xena. She is so cool.". I smile at the fact that her knowleadge base was so wide. "Yeah, I know. Where did you hear this show from?". Still not turning away from the screen she spoke," Cole and Jack showed me.". My smille got even bigger at that thought.

         I didn't know they would even watch a female kick a**."Why do you think they watch this?", "Because she's hot!"Cole said as him, Lyle,and Jack came in to sit on the other couches." I looked at him,"Well that's a perfectly understandable reason. It's not that she shows how brave and heroic and women can be or shows that the female role is just as important as the male role in the world?"

        Lyle turned to me," Janie we all have respect for women but our main reason for watching this show is that Xena is hot. You asked we answered and look the world is still turning. Maybe if you want an answer like that from us you should let us get married first so we have no choice but to say those exact words every time so our wives won't become a nightmare we will know to fear.". " Happy wife, Happy life." quoted Jack. " So for now stick with our honest answer, she is hot" Cole finished.

       That was a little weird. Lucy was right those three were born for each other. But they know how to get rid of me. I got up and went to the kitchen. I pulled our some yogurt, fruit, ice, and milk to make a smoothie. While I was blinding I remembered there was a cover on me when I woke up. How did that get there? After I made my smoothie I walked upstairs to get to my room. When I openned my door Nick opened his door. I turned around and saw a girl in tight clothes in his room. I didn't want to be in his business but he had some nerve. He looked at me as he closed his door.

        "What is she doing here?!" I whispered so she couldn't here me. "Why do you care?" he scowled." I care because there are children here and you're carelessly flaunting around with some random girl!" I scowled back. "Hey you worry about you and I'll worry about me" he said to me shooing me off. "Nick is everything okay?" the girl asked. "Yeah Lidia everything is cool." he told her without dropping his gaze from me. "Nick, Just get rid of her.". then my phone buzzed. I pulled out of my pocket and it was Casey. She was calling.
          "Hey, Casey." I answered.Nick smacked his lips."Janie, come meet me at the café. Hurry it's an emergency!" she sounded exicted. "What's going on?" I said concerend. " Just hurry you have 15 minutes!" she said rushed. "Oh... okay I'm on my way.". Nick looked stressed and worried. " Where are you going?". I walked into my room he followed.

        "Casey, needs me she said it was an emergency, she wants me to meet her at the café." I said while collecting my things. " Is there trouble? Like danger or somthing?" he asked looking even more worried." I don't think so.", then I thought about it, " Why do you care?". " I didn't say I cared nor do I care. I just think if you're going to hang out with  Casey Brown. You should know the type girl she is." i stopped him right there," Trust me Nick I know but she is still my best friend and we've always been there for each other." I left my room and headed for the bathroom. before I closed the door I turned to Nick. " Get rid of that girl, please.".
        After I got washed up and got dressed in my  "Don't Touch!" black graphic tee that showed my stomach and my shredded white capris. I pulled on my black hightops and grabbed my white strap over purse. When I got out the bathroom and went down stairs I heard a motor running and looked outside to see Nick on his motorcycle with Lidia on the back.

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