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"I've got a text!" Samira shouted 

"What is it?" Jack called

"Islanders, Tonight a new girl will enter the villa and you will host a welcoming party #getgrafting #newopportunities"

"Yes lads!" Adam cheered

"You going to try and get with her Sam?" Josh asked, "You're still single and she will be too"

"Depends if I'm into her" I shrugged

Natasha POV

Tonight was the night that I would be joining Love Island, I was wearing a black floral bikini with beige and black wedges and a pair of black denim shorts with the top button undone. And not to mention, I was covered in golden stickers

 And not to mention, I was covered in golden stickers

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The jeep pulled up outside the main doors, nervously I approached the door and pushed it open, my silky blonde hair was straightened and I had lovely green eyes

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The jeep pulled up outside the main doors, nervously I approached the door and pushed it open, my silky blonde hair was straightened and I had lovely green eyes. I could hear voices and people chatting so I rounded the corner

"Hey, guys!" I called and immediately everyone looked at me, they all started to approach me

"Hey, I'm Rosie"

"Hi, I'm Natasha" I hugged her and turned to the next girl

"Hi, nice to meet you I'm Georgia"

"Hey, I'm Natasha" I smiled at her, after many more greetings I saw one boy, with dark hair and chocolate brown eyes

"I'm Sam" He grinned and hugged me

"Natasha" I responded, Georgia pulled me over to the fire pit to talk to everyone

"So, Tasha- can I call you Tasha?" She asked

"Yeah of course" I nodded

"Ok, so what's your type? And who are your top four?" She asked grinning

"Straight in" Wes joked

"It's fine, my type is someone funny, relaxed and loyal, normally with an accent, nice hair and fit but not too muscular" I explained "My top four, in no order would be" I scanned the group for effect "Eyal, Josh, Wes, and Sam" 

"You hear that boys?" Sam shot me a cheeky wink and I blushed

"Ooh, someone's got the hots for Sam" Rosie laughed and we all joined in

"You know what, I reckon we should do something to break the ice" Dani suggested, "How about Truth or Dare, to lighten the mood?" There was a chorus of agreements 

"I'll start, Ellie truth or Dare?" Adam asked


"I dare you to snog the boy you would get with if Alex wasn't here" He winked, she rolled her eyes but proceeded to snog Wes anyway, which Laura looked very pissed off about but he whispered something to her and she immediately relaxed

A while later, Rosie looked at me "Tasha, Truth or Dare?"

I considered it for a minute "Dare" I answered

"Snog the boy you most want to couple up with" She smirked at me, I grinned and got up, to sit in Sam's lap and snog him for 10 seconds, everyone was cheering but I just zoned them out, a while later we finally all went back to our beds

(Sam is single rn) 

I changed into a pair of short black shorts and a loose Slytherin shirt, I heard the boys whispering as us girls took off our makeup, and they questioned me about myself


I was sitting with the lads in the bedroom while the girls got ready

"Bro, just offer for her to sleep in your bed" Josh suggested

"It's her first night-"

"Come on mate! She fancies you so crack on with her" Jack laughed

"You should do it because we all know she fancies you, but she doesn't know if you fancy her so this would show her" Eyal explained

"You're right" I sighed and just then in walked the blonde beauty

Natasha POV

I walked back into the bedroom with the other girls as the boys fell silent and I was passing Sam's bed on the way to my own

"You not joining me?" He smiled and sat up

"Am I invited to?" I rolled my eyes playfully and stopped in front of his bed

"Course you are" He opened the covers and I slipped in next to him, he put one arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder as we fell asleep together


Love Island 2018. Sam BirdWhere stories live. Discover now