I really like you

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Natasha POV

That evening I changed into a blue and white top and shorts set, with some black and white wedges with ribbon ties, and I left my hair natural

That evening I changed into a blue and white top and shorts set, with some black and white wedges with ribbon ties, and I left my hair natural

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"Georgia, Dani, can we talk?" I asked and we walked up onto the terrace "Ok so I want to tell Sam that I really like him because I know how I feel, and he's the one I want to be with"

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"Georgia, Dani, can we talk?" I asked and we walked up onto the terrace "Ok so I want to tell Sam that I really like him because I know how I feel, and he's the one I want to be with"

"That's great!" Dani smiled and Georgia put her arm around me "Trust me, he feels the same way about you, I know it and it hasn't been long but you guys are such a strong couple"

"Yeah, Jack and Dani are dating but you guys are so close and we can all tell that you care about each other" Georgia added

"Are you going to do it tonight?" Dani asked

"Yeah, sort of like what you did G, ask him for a chat and tell him"

"Well" Georgia looked over the garden "He's in the lounge area with Jack, Josh, and Ellie, I'll go first and you 2 come after"

"Ok, let's do this" Dani smiled and Georgia left to go over with them, a little bit later Dani and I decided it was time and walked over as well

"Sam,  can we have a chat?" I asked and held my hand out,

"Sure love" He took my hand and I led him over to the fire pit "Is everything ok?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to talk to you about something" I fiddled with the ends of my hair nervously 

"Please tell me it isn't bad" Sam looked worried

"Don't worry it isn't" I assured him "It's just that when I came in the villa, normally I'm a very closed off person and I was scared of being here, but when we started talking I have never felt so comfortable with someone at first meetings"

"Well I can say the same about you" He grinned and I blushed

"I know we haven't been coupled up long, but I am so happy and there's no one else I would rather be with but you, so I did just want to say that I do really like you" I blushed at the end "God this is so hard"

"Aw love, I do care about you as well, but I was so scared to tell you in case you didn't feel the same but I am really happy" Sam smiled

"Give me a kiss" I leaned up and kissed him, it was slow and sweet, I heard Georgia and Dani cheering so we broke away laughing

Georgia POV

When Dani and Tasha walked over, I could see she was nervous, and when she took Sam away the boys looked at each other worriedly 

"If she hurts him I'm going to be pissed off," Josh said seriously

"Babe, it's nothing like that, Tash asked for our help because she wants to tell Sam that she cares about him" I explained

"Is she actually?" Jack asked and Ellie looked so surprised

"Yeah, she wants to say it and considering neither of them are crying or looking really mad right now I'd say it's going well" Dani observed

"Shit, Sam's going to be so happy, he wanted to tell her as well but was scared that she didn't feel the same" Josh explained

"So at least we know it'll go well" Ellie shrugged

"And that it is, look!" Dani pointed across and they were kissing, we all started cheering and they broke away laughing, Sam pulled her closer and she rested her head in the crook of his neck

3rd Person POV

Natasha: I am really happy with Sam, he's the only boy I want to be with and finally telling him that makes me so much more certain of our relationship, 

Sam: Yeah, we both finally said it, I'm happy with her and she's the girl I want so what else could I ask for, I really like her and I'm just so glad that she feels the same way

Natasha POV

Sam and I sat together for the rest of the evening, talking and laughing, occasionally kissing, but then we heard Laura shouting and saw her storm away from Wes

"I'll go see her" I rushed over to her "Come here babe" I wrapped an arm around her and we walked back inside and onto the terrace, we held Laura and let her cry, she was so broken "Right I'm going to have  chat with Wes" I went back outside and spotted him talking to Alex "Wes we need to talk mate"

I led him over to the lounge and sat down "Look, I get that part of the game is finding the person you want to be with but what you did was so wrong, Megan kicks off out of nowhere and suddenly you're not interested in Laura who you had been with the whole time"

"I was- am happy with Laura but I think I could be happier with Megan"

"But where the fuck did that come from? You randomly didn't like Laura anymore and now she's upstairs crying because of you!"

"This is between her and me, she shouldn't be running off to everyone else"

"You broke her heart mate! What the fuck do you want us to do! We see her crying so we go and help her because that's what friends do!"

"Look Eyal and Megan ended it, and Laura and I just weren't working"

"Since when?! You have had your fights but since when was it over?! You're being a mug and you've just pissed me right off"


"No!" I stood up and walked away from him "Have fun cracking on with that bitch" I walked back inside and collapsed on my bed, I kicked my shoes off and went to change into my pyjama's falling asleep before Sam even arrived


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