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Natasha POV

The next morning G and I woke up last so we had the dressing room to ourselves, I changed into a green and white bikini and put my hair up in a ponytail

We walked outside to get in the pool with Old Ellie who was already in there with Josh, we started swimming and messing around until Josh threw me over his shoulder and spun me around

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We walked outside to get in the pool with Old Ellie who was already in there with Josh, we started swimming and messing around until Josh threw me over his shoulder and spun me around

"Swimming without me?" It was Sam, he bombed into the pool and swam in between my legs, sitting me on his shoulders as he stood up, I laughed as he pretended to fall back and dunk me in the water

"Tasha! Can we chat?" It was New Ellie, 

"Ok" I got out of the pool and sat on the swing with her "I know this is going to be about Sam but-"

"Hold on, it's just that I know you guys had a chat, he told me and he said that you refused to do anything with him because you didn't want to come between us and I just want to thank you, because I know this chat needed to happen and I'm happy we're doing it"

"Same, because I felt bad knowing that Sam and I still liked each other while you guys were coupled up so I do need to apologise because I feel like I've come between you guys"

"No, not at all, he is happy with you and if he wants to be with you then I'm happy for both of you"

"Thank you" I smiled and hugged her, but just then Kaz's phone beeped

"Islanders, it's time to find out who's going to sink or swim in the next couple's challenge... Babewatch #lifesabeach #sunsoutgunsout #sharking" She read

"Come on Tash, let's go get ready!" G grabbed my hand and we ran inside to get changed into the red swimsuits we were told to wear and met everyone by the front door, everyone ran down to the challenge, Georgia, Wes and I were the hosts

The first part of the challenge was that the couples had to feed each other ice cream blind folded, which was very amusing to watch because ice cream kept falling

The second part was that the couples that were left had to race to hit fake shark heads and the fastest couple won

The final part of the challenge was that each person had to try and balance on a remote spinning surfboard while people threw things at them. The winners of that were Charlie and Old Ellie

We all went back up to the villa to change for the evening, I was wearing a black floral off the shoulder romper with white heels and I curled my hair

We all went back up to the villa to change for the evening, I was wearing a black floral off the shoulder romper with white heels and I curled my hair

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I was lying around with Charlie and Old Ellie, when I saw Georgia talking to Kaz,

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I was lying around with Charlie and Old Ellie, when I saw Georgia talking to Kaz,

"Damnit, this isn't good" I whispered and watched them closely, neither one looked upset which was a good sign but as soon as they both started to walk away I ran after Georgia to go and talk "Was it good?" I asked

"Yeah, it was quite awkward but it needed to happen like you and the new Ellie so I'm just glad it's over"

"Yeah, you look happy so that's a good sign because at least now Josh knows there's no conflict between you 2"

"I know and I am glad that we've sorted out the awkwardness"

"Ok, now let's go inside, I need sleep, now" I yawned

"Same, we're sharing with Wes tonight"

"Fine" I shrugged and we went inside to change into our pyjama's "Somehow I managed to go a day without speaking to Sam, it feels weird"

"Speak of the devil" She said and he walked into the dressing room

"Hello love" He whispered and stepped closer to me,

"Hey Sam" I giggled and turned back to the mirror, he wrapped his arms around my waist and planted light kisses on my neck "Babe stop it"

"Come on, please" He groaned

"I'm tired and you need to go see Ellie"

"Give me a kiss first" He begged

"No, you're in a couple"

"Come on, I won't leave until you do"

"Fine" I turned around and kissed him quickly before stepping back

"Night love" He winked before heading back to his bed

"Omg you are blushing bright red" Georgia laughed

"I know, when I'm with him I feel like a school girl, I get butterflies and I just feel so giddy at the minute" I laughed with heer

"You guys need to be back together, seriously though, it's my mission for you"

"Well what about you, anyone you fancy?"

"Umm" She looked at the ground "I'll tell you tomorrow"

"You better" I winked and headed over to bed with her, and Wes the three of us lay cuddled up together


Love Island 2018. Sam BirdWhere stories live. Discover now