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Natasha POV

The next morning I woke up and went to change into a blue floral bikini with no shoes and I did my hair in a loose fishtail.

The next morning I woke up and went to change into a blue floral bikini with no shoes and I did my hair in a loose fishtail

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The lads and I were sitting in the bedroom talking when we brought up Tasha

"So, you and Ellie were snogging yesterday? What about Tash?" Josh asked

"I don't know mate, I like her but I'm interested in Ellie" I shrugged "But I know her, she won't have moved on and that thought scares me if I go back with a girl but she's stayed loyal" I groaned

"Careful mate" Josh warned

Natasha POV

We were all sitting on the sun loungers relaxing when Georgia's phone sounded

"I've got a text!" She shouted to everyone "Girls, you have been sent a Villa story from the boys at Casa Amor"

"Ahhhh!" I shrieked "Finally!" She opened the video and we all crowded around it to watch,

The first part was Adam explaining if he's over Zara or not, then we saw Alex snogging some girl which we all loved, then a girl walked out of the bedroom and Josh was thrusting on his bed, Wes was sleeping alone

Then I saw Sam offering his bed to the girls to sleep in, the final part showed Jack saying that one of the new girls was his ex, we all moved to hug Dani but Laura stopped us

"Wait! There's one more thing!" We all looked back at the phone and saw Sam kiss some other girl, I felt my heart drop.

Tears sprung to my eyes and I left, I went inside and ran up to the terrace, I pulled my knees into my chest and cried

"Hey it's ok babe" I felt Georgia wrap her arms around me

"He's such a prick" I whispered

"I know babe, I feel the same about Josh right now" We sat up there for ages until we heard Megan's voice

"Text! Girls, tonight there will be a recoupling in which you must decide wether to remain with your boy who has been living in Casa Amor or twist and recouple with a new boy" She read out and my heart dropped again

"Great" I whispered to G "He's obviously moved on so I should too"

"No, I'm sticking with Josh and you should stick to Sam. Prove to him that you're loyal so he knows what he's done" She said firmly

"You're right" I mumbled, "I need to just hope for the best from him"

"Come on girl, be strong" She laughed, we spent the remainder of the afternoon chatting until it was time to get ready for tonight. I put on a white and gold sparkly dress with peep toe sheer silver heels and curled my hair

 I put on a white and gold sparkly dress with peep toe sheer silver heels and curled my hair

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We were sitting around the fire pit and the boys lined up in front of us, Caroline was back and ready to begin

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We were sitting around the fire pit and the boys lined up in front of us, Caroline was back and ready to begin.

"Girls, the boys in Casa Amor have also had the choice of recoupling with you or one of the new girls, I'm going to start with Megan" She stood up "After Eyal left you were officially single, so would you like to stay single or recouple with one of these boys?"

"I have decided to recouple"

"And who would you like to recouple with?"

"Alex" She smiled

"Well congratulations you both" Alex walked over to Megan and kissed her before they sat down together "Now Adam was also single and now we will see if Adam is still single or has recoupled" We looked over and saw Adam walk in with a new girl covered in tattoos, they sat down together as well

"Ellie please stand up" She did "You were coupled up with Alex before, so would you like to stick with Alex or recouple with one of the new boys?"

"I would like to recouple"

"And who would you like to recouple with?"

"Charlie" She blushed and he made his way over to her, kissing her firmly before they also sat down, I grinned at her and she smiled back at me

"As you've decided to recouple, if Alex walks in alone he will become single" We all crossed our fingers and waited until we saw Alex walk in with a blonde girl, we all cheered loudly for him and they joined us sitting down

"Laura, you were coupled up with Wes but he was romantically involved with Megan. So would you like to stick with Wes, or recouple?"

"I would like to recouple"

"And who would you like to recouple with?"

"Jack" The handsome man walked over to her and they kissed and we all waited for Wes

"Now, let's see if Wes has decided to recouple or not" We all were nervous and I was hoping he had, but then he walked in alone, he looked so hurt but alright at the same time, so he sat down alone "Dani please stand up" she did "Jack is now your boyfriend, so would you like to stick with him or recouple?"

"I'm going to stick" she nodded firmly and we all held our breath, luckily Jack walked in alone, he rushed straight over to Dani and she looked over the moon right now to be with him

"Natasha, please stand up" I felt my palms shake a bit as I did "You and Sam were coupled up but after you saw him in the video, how do you feel?"

"Like shit" I replied honestly

"But, would you like to stick with Sam or recouple with one of the new boys?"

I held my breath "I want to stick" I heard the boys curse under their breath but I brushed it off, and waited, sure enough Sam rounded the corner, with a new girl on his arm

"So as you can see Sam has recoupled, which means you are now single" I refused to look at either of them but just nodded and sat down next to Wes who put an arm around me "Georgia, before they left you were coupled up with Josh so would you like to stick with him or recouple?"

"I want to stick with Josh, I'm loyal" She nodded, but then Josh came around with another girl, I knew Georgia's pain so I put an arm around her and we walked away from the recoupling


Love Island 2018. Sam BirdWhere stories live. Discover now