Coupled Up

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Natasha POV

I woke up and stirred, Sam groaned beside me

"Come on babe" I started to get out but he pulled me back into him

"No, 5 more minutes," he said

"I need to go change" I complained




"It's Josh's birthday" I reminded him and he woke up suddenly, I laughed and went to the dressing room to see Dani, we chatted for a while as I changed into a black bikini with some lace and a pair of blue denim shorts

"It's Josh's birthday" I reminded him and he woke up suddenly, I laughed and went to the dressing room to see Dani, we chatted for a while as I changed into a black bikini with some lace and a pair of blue denim shorts

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I put on some simple beige sandals and walked outside, only to find tables set out for each couple, Sam appeared behind me and we grinned as we headed down to our table, he pulled out my chair for me and I sat down

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I put on some simple beige sandals and walked outside, only to find tables set out for each couple, Sam appeared behind me and we grinned as we headed down to our table, he pulled out my chair for me and I sat down

"So I am really happy I want you to know that" Sam smiled and passed me a Croissant 

"Merci" I smiled and he looked confused "It means thank you in French"

"Oh, do you speak French?" He asked

"I speak English, French, some Spanish and Russian" I explained "And a bit of Dutch"

"Wow, so you're really international"

"Yeah, it's a thing in my family" I shrugged and we continued to enjoy our brunch until every couple was leaving and we went over to the fire pit

"Happy Birthday Bro!" I shouted and hugged Josh, giving him a kiss on the cheek

"Thank you Nat" He laughed and I went to find Sam, we were lounging around in the pool when Josh got a text describing today's challenge 'Love Fest' We were all told to go change into some clothes which we put on and ran out of the front door

The first part of the challenge was that the girls were blindfolded and the boys had to direct us how to build a tent, we were in the second round, Laura and Wes and Eyal and Megan made it through and then we were up

I have to say that some moments Sam was completely useless, other times he was ok, but I had gone camping a lot so I knew sort of what was what. 

"Come on, come on!" Sam clapped his hands and I got the last pole through the final hole "Yes!" He cried, I took off my blindfold and saw that we finished in first of our round, afterward Jack and Dani managed to get theirs up, so Alex and Ellie were eliminated

The second challenge was now starting, we had to get in a sleeping bag with our partner and swap clothes but then stand up and finish it with a kiss

We were actually alright at this challenge, but Laura and Wes finished first, shortly followed by Jack and Dani and finally us when Sam pulled me to my feet and smashed his lips to mine, it was our first kiss

I heard everyone screaming, but I wrapped my arms around his neck and he gripped my waist tightly, sadly we had to break apart for air and Georgia started clapping, we laughed and went over to everyone else. Megan and Eyal were eliminated since they finished this round last

The final round involved us bursting balloons between us to find hot dog tokens and then eat a hot dog between us. Sam put the balloon against his stomach and pulled me against him, popping it, we grabbed a hot dog and immediately started eating it

We were working very quickly and ended up winning the challenge since we managed to eat 6 hot dogs even though I didn't like the mustard on them.

That night I changed into a black romper, curled my thin hair and put on a pair of white wedges, I ran outside to help Georgia make a birthday cake for Josh, it was chocolate, and we covered it in candles and I opened a bottle of champagne

That night I changed into a black romper, curled my thin hair and put on a pair of white wedges, I ran outside to help Georgia make a birthday cake for Josh, it was chocolate, and we covered it in candles and I opened a bottle of champagne

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We started singing when everyone brought Josh out

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We started singing when everyone brought Josh out

"Happy birthday" I kissed his cheek and he hugged me before blowing out his candles, we all filled a glass and had a toast to him. A few drinks later I was sitting on Sam's lap on one of the loungers and we were talking about everything random really.

Until I heard Georgia screaming, and I saw her hugging Dani so I ran over to see what was going on, 

"Dani is Jack's girlfriend!" She exclaimed

"Oh my god!" I cried and hugged Dani too, we were all celebrating, and Jack jumped in the pool, I kicked off my shoes and went in as well, then everyone else followed, we were all messing around and having a good time, just being a family again

When it got late we all got out again except for Sam and I who stayed in messing around, but later on he finally got me out, Sam wrapped a towel around me and pulled me into his side

"I'm so happy with you" He grinned

"I am too" I nodded 

"I'm going to do something special for you tomorrow" He promised


"I want to, because I want you to know how much being with you actually means to me" He kissed my cheek and we headed back inside with everyone else

I went to have a shower and changed into my pyjama's before cuddling with him in bed


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