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The girls then walked in and all went straight to their partner

"Come on, let's go sit on the swing" I whispered to Tasha and took her hand to lead her there, we sat down and she rested her head on my chest

"Georgia was saying that I'm going against her and apparently we aren't best friends anymore" She mumbled

"I'll speak to her-"

"Babe please don't"

"Love I hate seeing you upset, we just started dating and your world is already going to shit, I'm going to speak with her" I said firmly

"Fine" She mumbled "Thank you"

"Anything for you" I replied and lifted her chin up with my finger, catching her in a sweet kiss. "Let's go get a drink" I brought her up to the kitchen where she started chatting with Ellie and Josh

"I've got a text!" New Jack shouted "Islanders, Tonight the boys will be cooking up a storm as they prepare a romantic three course dinner for you to enjoy in your couples #cantstandtheheat #cananyonesmellburning" He read out

"Oh god" Dani laughed "Let's go get ready girls!" I went inside with Ellie, Grace and Kaz to go change


After Tasha left, I quickly pulled Georgia aside for a word

"So, Tasha told me that you guys had a fight, I'm not taking either side here but she is really upset and as the guy that she's with, I hate seeing that"

"Yeah but she was also rude to me"

"I'm not your father, and I'm not the messenger between you 2, you have been best friends since her first day, are you really going to let that go to waste over one fight?"

"You're right" She mumbled

"Thank you, just please do talk to her you both need each other you know that" I smiled at her and went to go hang out with the lads and let the girls go get ready while we did too

Natasha POV

I wore a blue and white romper with a pair of white and beige wedges. My hair was in beach waves

 My hair was in beach waves

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We all put on some makeup and went to wait on the terrace while the boys prepared dinner

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We all put on some makeup and went to wait on the terrace while the boys prepared dinner. After a while we were all told to go downstairs and sit at our table, Sam stood there pretending to guide us

He kissed me since I was first and I just laughed and walked outside with Laura but he followed us and before I could sit down he ran over and held out my chair for me "M'Lady" He winked and then ran off to get starters

Natasha: I have to say that at first I was dreading it but they actually weren't bad, I was very impressed and Sam was a complete gentlemen

 "This is actually good" I nodded in approval

"I'm glad you think so" He smiled "Have you thought about outside the villa?"

"Sort of" I shrugged "Not a lot but yeah"

"Do you like animals?"

"I love every animal, they're all so cute" I grinned

"What pet do you want?"

"A dog, as a pet I love having a dog"

"Same, we should get one" He gestured between us

"We're not even dating and now we're talking about getting a pet together" I laughed

"Yeah, well you are the only girl I see a future with so why not" he shrugged

"Fair enough" I winked, But soon enough our plates were taken and he went to get the main course, all the girls looked at each other excited, and they each brought back 2 plates of spaghetti bolognaise

"What about your family?" He asked

"Well I've got an older brother and my younger brother is adopted" I explained

"Do you think they would like me?"

"Yeah, I mean you're a lot like my older brother and they've never actually met any of my boyfriends officially so as long as you treat me well, which you do, they will like you" I assured him

"Good" He nodded "I'm excited to get into the real world with you"

"Same, it'll be so fun"

"Yeah, and I've never felt like this about anyone so it would be amazing for me" I started blushing as he said it which made him laugh

"I haven't either" I admitted, but then it was dessert. 

"Last relationship?" He asked

"2 years, he cheated on me with a girl in his uni" I shrugged

"That sucks"

"Yeah it does, but I've got you now so I'm happy"

"I don't think you know how much you mean to me" He smiled "I haven't ever said it"

"Said what?" I asked confused

"How much I care about you"

"Well how much do you care about me?" I smiled slightly, he went red and scratched the back of his neck nervously "Sam?"

"I don't know if I should say it yet, I want it to be special" He admitted

"Say it when you're ready" I smiled at him knowing what he meant, then it was time for us to head back up to bed but while the boys were packing away and us girls lay on a day bed talking when Josh got a text

"Islanders, the hideaway is open tonight please choose one lucky couple to spend the night there #aloneatlast #peaceandquiet" He read out

"It has to be Sam and Tash!" New Jack called

"Sam and Tasha!" Everyone started yelling, 

"You need to go change for it!" Dani clapped her hands and led me inside, I wore a blue and white set of pyjamas

"You need to go change for it!" Dani clapped her hands and led me inside, I wore a blue and white set of pyjamas

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And Sam was only in a pair of shorts, he took my hand and we walked inside

"This is so romantic" I breathed and opened the covers, he poured us each a glass of champagne and we sat down talking for a while, but when the lights went off we lay down looking at each other.

Until he closed the space and kissed me, we were pressed together everywhere. He started to move on top of me so I pulled the covers up above our heads and let him do it, 


Love Island 2018. Sam BirdWhere stories live. Discover now