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Natasha POV

I woke up the next morning still in Sam's embrace, I smiled to myself but when the lights went on, I hauled myself out of bed and followed Laura, Rosie and Georgia into the dressing room

"So what happened last night?" Rosie asked

"Nothing, he invited me into his bed so I said yes" I explained while brushing my hair

"Anything else happen? A cheeky kiss? A cuddle?" Georgia asked and we all laughed

"There was a little cuddle, but that's it" I confirmed and continued getting ready. I changed into a white floral bikini and simple beige wedges, leaving my silky hair in waves 

We walked into the kitchen and I had an apple before Adam pointed out Sam sitting on the swing, I got up to go and chat to him

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We walked into the kitchen and I had an apple before Adam pointed out Sam sitting on the swing, I got up to go and chat to him

"Hey" I smiled as I sat down

"Hey" He replied "Look, I don't want you to feel like I was pressuring you or anything last night-"

"It's fine babes" I interrupted "I enjoyed it"

"Ok, just checking, it's weird that we only met last night as well" We laughed "I really don't know much about you"

"Well then this is your chance to find out" I shrugged

"Ok, tell me about yourself"

"My name is Natasha Evans, but everyone calls me Tasha, Tash or Nat, I'm 21 and I'm from Leicester. I just graduated from Cambridge after 3 years and I'm a model and dancer" I explained

"Cambridge? Wow, that's so cool and you're a dancer?"

"Yeah, it's one of my favourite things to do"

"What else do you like?"

"Um, football" I grinned "Netball, Swimming and Hockey"

"You like football? Watching it or playing it?" He asked

"Both" I answered

"Which club do you support?" He asked curiously 

"Leicester City, it's my home town" I smiled

"That's so cool, not many girls are into the Premier League, it's great to find someone who is" He smiled widely 

"Yeah, I've been supporting them since I was 12 and I dated their newest player 3 years ago" I explained

"What's his name?" He asked

"Uh James Maddison" I said bashfully

"As in the one who used to play for Norwich?" He asked eyes wide

"Yeah" I nodded

"That's so weird" He laughed "I feel like you and I get on really well and I know I wasn't the only one you liked but we've gotten close and I do want to get to know you better"

"Same" I agreed, just then my phone beeped "Guys I got a text!" I shouted

"Read it out!" Jack called

"Islanders, tonight there will be a recoupling, the boys will choose and the 2 girls not picked to be in a couple will be dumped from the island" I read out "Shit!"

I ran over to Rosie and Georgia and we were all freaking out

"Girls, let's go to the terrace and have a chat" Dani insisted to Georgia, Rosie, Laura, Ellie and I so we followed her up the stairs and made ourselves comfortable while Zara, Megan and Samira sat on the lawn "I just want t know where everyone's head is at right now because I know I'm happy with Jack"

"Yeah, and I'm still into Josh" Georgia added

"And I do want to be with Alex, but wether or not it works I don't know" Ellie sighed "Tash?"

"I've gotten very close with Sam but he's also got Samira and he did take you out on a date" I said to Rosie "So I don't know"

"Yeah, and I also kind of like Sam but I think he will choose you and obviously Adam ditched me for Zara" She rolled her eyes

"Well I've got Wes again so I'm not really worried" Laura added

"I think Rosie and I are both stuck at the minute because I fancy Sam more than the other boys, but in the past he's had Rosie and Samira so he might still fancy one of you more, and obviously Adam moved on again and now you're also lost" I explained

"Exactly and now I'm nervous for tonight, because since it's their choice, we don't know if they might randomly not like one of us for some reason and all be like Adam and just constantly jump ship" Ellie rolled her eyes

"Come on girls, let's just enjoy our day and we'll worry about this later" Dani ushered us all back down the stairs


Love Island 2018. Sam BirdWhere stories live. Discover now