I'm excited

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Natasha POV

The next morning I woke up with everyone else, but for some reason, Dani and Jack weren't there

"Jack and Dani have gone on a date" Paul explained as well all got up "They got a text really early telling them"

"Lucky them" I yawned

"Is this their final date?" Alexandra asked

"Yeah probably" Josh got up and lay in between Sam and me 

"I wonder what ours will be" I groaned and got up, following Alexandra and Kaz up to the dressing room

"So I heard you and Sam last night" Kaz teased

"Fuck off" I laughed and got changed

I put on my sunglasses and headed outside to the pool with Alexandra, we both dipped our feet in and lay sunbathing

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I put on my sunglasses and headed outside to the pool with Alexandra, we both dipped our feet in and lay sunbathing

I got into a water fight with Josh and we both ended up in the pool completely soaked

"Hi!" I heard the familiar voice of Dani, so I got out of the pool and ran to give her a hug "Were you in a hot air balloon?"

"Yeah" She beamed "It was amazing, the most romantic thing"

"That sounds so nice" I smiled at her, "Go change and then tell us all about it"

"I will" She grinned and went inside

"They're so lucky" I sighed and looked at Laura

"I know" She nodded "I can't wait for mine with Paul"

"Awww" I teased

"I've got a text!" Alex shouted and I felt Sam wrap his arms around me from behind "Alexandra and Alex, It's time for your final date. Please get ready to leave the villa. #speedygozalex #fastlove"

"It's gonna be a car one!" I clapped and rushed inside with Alexandra, we headed upstairs and I chose out a lace red jumpsuit "This is going to be so good for yous"

"I'm excited" She smiled "I hope I'll get to see the more confident side of him now"

"You will" I nodded "Good luck babe" I gave her a hug, and she and Alex left the villa

"I wish it was us" Sam mumbled 

"Me too" I smiled and kissed him "It'll be our turn soon enough though"

"I'm already buzzing for it" he grinned and we walked over to the hot tub "Are you ready to leave the villa?"

"Absolutely" We got in the water and I leaned into him "We all know that one more couple has to leave before the final, but if it was us that left I would be fine"

"Me too" He grinned "I'm so glad I met you"

"I feel the same" I smiled and kissed him "But you know that we also have to take G's suitcase back with us"

"I know" he laughed "Soon enough, we'll be seeing her, Rosie, Samira, Adam, Zara, Eyal, Ellie, Charlie, Idirs, Kieran, Jack, Laura, Steph, and Josh again"

"I can't wait" I smiled, Sam and I sat in the hot tub chatting for over an hour when Alex and Alexandra finally got back "Hello babe!" I called and went over to give her a hug "You alright?"

"Yeah I'm good" She smiled "Let's go talk" I nodded and we followed her over to the swing

"How was it?"

"It was so much fun" She grinned "It was a bloody red Ferrari"

"So you matched it" I laughed

"Yeah, it was the most amazing date, he was loving every second of it, it was so sexy"

"You look so happy" Kaz giggled

"I am, we had such a nice day and today's been really refreshing for the both of us"

"That's good" I winked "Sam's getting really excited because he can't wait for our date" I laughed "It's one of those things that reminds me how much I'm in love with him"

"In love with who?" Speak of the devil "Hope you're talking about me"

"Of course love" I grinned and got up to follow him down to the poolside, we got in the pool and started swimming laps, then just sunbathing  on the bean bags, with me lying in his arms

"I got a text!" Laura shouted "Laura and Paul. It's time for your final date, please get ready to leave the villa. #betterlatethannever #kissmebabyonemoretime"

"Ahhhhhh" I shrieked and ran up to hug her

"Britney fuck off it's not about you anymore!" Laura laughed

"Have fun" I giggled and gave her a hug, then I hugged Paul once and she went inside to get ready with some of the girls "You look stunning," I told her when I saw her in that red dress

"Thank you" She smiled

"Have a good time" I winked as she and Paul walked out the door

"They look so happy" Dani smiled "Come on, let's go change" I nodded and we headed up to the dressing room "I'm still buzzing from my date"

"You look so happy" I laughed as I did my makeup

"I am" She grinned "Can you believe how far we've all come, I mean I forget that you weren't here at the beginning"

"I do too! I feel like I've been here the whole time" 

"And now we both are madly in love with our boyfriends" She laughed

"I've never fallen this easy for a guy" I grinned and put on my outfit

"I've never fallen this easy for a guy" I grinned and put on my outfit

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"It's like you're asking Sam to fuck you" Dani laughed and I blushed

"Well, I'm gonna go see him" I smiled and headed downstairs and out to the firepit where he was

"You look beautiful" He gave me a kiss

"Cheers" I smiled "Making the most out of our time here"

"Would your family like me?" He asked

"Absolutely" I nodded "You're exactly the type of guy that I've always wanted and you treat me better than anyone else has"

"Glad to know I'll make the cut" He winked "Oh, look who's here" I turned around to see Paul and Laura walking in, "Since all the girls are coming over here I'll go talk to the lads, love you" He kissed me once more and headed off to speak to Paul as the girls approached

"How was it?" I asked her as we all sat down

"It was all amazing, I could have stayed there all night" She gushed "And then we got to watch the sunset"

"It sounds so nice" I teased her

"It was" She smiled "I'm gonna go talk to him" She waved at us and went off to talk to Paul

"I'm gonna go see Sam"


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