Christmas Reunion P2

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Natasha POV

"So how are you?" I asked Rosie as we were sitting together in her room

"I'm alright" She shrugged

"Tell me the truth" I looked at her

"Fine" She sighed "Being here with Adam is so weird because I don't know if you heard but obviously we didn't leave the Villa as friends and recently I saw him on a night out, and we had a fight"

"Shit" I bit my lip "Have you guys not talked?"

"Nope" She shook her head "I know I have to, but it's going to be so awkward"

"Fucking hell" I sighed "You need to talk to him"


"This is mad" I laughed as I sat in the front room with the other lads "There are exes everywhere. You just sit here, trying to have a nice Christmas holiday, and your ex is just walking past"

"It's weird innit" Jack grinned "But how are you and Tasha?"

I felt a smile come to my face "We're so good, we've moved in together and every day I fall in love with her even more"

"You're whipped mate" Adam chuckled "Completely whipped"

"I know" I laughed "I can't help it, she's the best thing that's ever happened to me"

"How long have you guys been together?" Alex asked

"6 months tomorrow" I smiled wide at the thought

"So no wedding bells yet?" Adam looked smug

"Maybe" I lied and felt my face go hot

"Oh my god!" Jack sat up "You're gonna, aren't you? You're gonna-"

"Shut up!" I hushed him "I'll tell you guys later"

"Sam?" Tasha walked inside and the lads went quiet "Did I bring my phone with me?"

I laughed and reached to pull it out of my pocket "I wanted to see how long it would take you to realise" She rolled her eyes but I got up and walked over to her

"Oi, look who's under the mistletoe" Jack grinned and pointed up, sure enough, there was mistletoe above us, I grinned and looked down at her

"Give me a kiss then" I winked, she laughed but leaned up and connected our lips.

Natasha POV

I melted into the kiss but used my hand that wasn't behind his neck to grab my phone and break away laughing

"Not fair" He chuckled

"Oops" I winked "I have to get ready"

"I'll come with you" He wiped my lipstick from his lips and followed me upstairs, where I went to get ready with all the girls and he followed the boys

"You and Sam look so happy" Alexandra smiled as we did our makeup

"We are" I blushed "It's been so good with him, and for my birthday he took me to Italy"

"That's so sweet" Rosie cooed and came next to me to do my hair "Isn't tomorrow your 6 month anniversary?"

"Yep" I grinned, "He says he's got something special planned but I don't know what"

"I'm sure it'll be great" Kendall smiled and we all finished getting ready

"I'm sure it'll be great" Kendall smiled and we all finished getting ready

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