Meet the family

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After last night and the secret vote, I could tell that Tasha was really upset so while she was asleep I decided to make her breakfast. When I was ready I put it all on a tray and headed back inside where she had just woken up

"Morning love" I smiled and placed the tray over her legs

"Hello babe" She kissed me quickly "You did this for me?"

"Yep" I grinned and she blushed

Natasha POV

I love that Sam will always do whatever he can to make me feel better

"Let's just enjoy today" I mumbled "In case it is us that leaves"

"Obviously" He nodded, we sat eating in silence and when I was done, Sam went to clean up in the kitchen while I headed upstairs to change

"Obviously" He nodded, we sat eating in silence and when I was done, Sam went to clean up in the kitchen while I headed upstairs to change

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I headed outside and was lying on a daybed with Sam and Josh when Jack's phone sounded

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I headed outside and was lying on a daybed with Sam and Josh when Jack's phone sounded

"Islanders. It's time for the ultimate relationship text. #familyaffair #firstimpressionscount"

Everyone stood up and started screaming "Oh my god!" I clapped "They're going to be here!"

Natasha: I'm so excited! I really hope I get to see my brothers, Oliver and Louis because I miss them so bloody much and I'm also going to get to see Sam's parents

"I'm scared now" I laughed and Sam wrapped his arms around me

"Don't be" He grinned and kissed the top of my head, we lay down again and waited, and then Laura and Paul's parents arrived. We all waved at them to say hi before they walked off with their children

"Who do you think will come for you?" I asked Sam

"I hope just my mum and dad are here" he smiled slightly "You?"

"My brothers" I sighed "They'll love you but in my family, we're all pranksters and like to mess with people, so I just know they're going to try and scare you but they're actually such sweethearts"

Love Island 2018. Sam BirdWhere stories live. Discover now