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Natasha POV

I had heard all the girls come and go from the dressing room, so I finally decided to head in and change into a dark red dress, with a gold belt, and knee-high black boots

I had heard all the girls come and go from the dressing room, so I finally decided to head in and change into a dark red dress, with a gold belt, and knee-high black boots

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I took a deep breath and headed downstairs to the kitchen

"Are you okay?" Sam asked as I entered

"I'm fine" I shook my head and walked over to the girls, "Laura!, Kaz! We need to talk" I called and headed over to the drinks table

"What's going on?" New Laura asked

"I get that today was your chance to ask the boys whatever you wanted, but what I don't appreciate is you guys asking shit like that about my best friend"

"We didn't-"

"Yes, you fucking did!" I snapped and looked to Kaz "Asking if she was better than you? What the fuck is wrong with you! You saw how broken and upset she was after everything happened with Josh, and she's going to be sitting at home watching him say that because of you!"

"I didn't mean it in a bad way!" She defended

"Well, it doesn't matter now because it's already fucking out there!" I snapped and looked at New Laura "And asking Jack about the kiss? Really?! You had no right to do that!"

"People deserve to know the truth!" She retorted

"That's not your decision to make!" I shouted "She's my best mate, and you two are here snaking her out on TV! What the fuck is wrong with you both!"

"We didn't mean for it to be mean! It was just supposed to be a question!" Kaz cried

"How would you fucking feel if it was Georgia here instead of you? And you had to hear that? It isn't fucking fair! But you didn't give a shit!"

"We're sorry okay!" Laura cried 

"Sorry doesn't fix everything" I snapped and looked to Kaz "Because of you, my best friend isn't here!" I shook my head and stormed to the door

"Dramatic little shit" I heard New Jack whisper in the kitchen

"Jack you should pipe the fuck down" I shook my head

"Be immature and walk away then" Alex commented

"Shut the fuck up!" I snapped "All of you just shut it!"

"Hey, hey, hey" Sam tried to calm me down

"It's not our fault that you're being dramatic as fuck!" New Jack shrugged

"Fuck off mate! All the shit you lot have been saying about Georgia, what the fuck! She's my best mate and as soon as she's gone, you all act like you didn't know that!"

"She was a liar!" Alexandra threw her hands up

"You barely bloody knew her! None of you did!" I snapped "You all pushed her away!"

"That's not true!" Dani stepped forward

"You may have been nice to her while she was here, but now you're being a right bitch!"

"Oi fuck off!" Old Jack defended her

"How can you all be so fucking heartless! Asking those questions and knowing she was watching, you're all such twats!"

"Calm down Tasha" Sam turned me to face him

"Get a fucking grip! All of you!" I shouted and stormed inside, ignoring the sound of Sam's footsteps behind me


"Sam, fuck off" I shook my head

"No" He grabbed my arm "Come on" He pulled me behind him and up to the terrace, I stood away from him and crossed my arms


"Tasha please calm down, they didn't mean to hurt you-"

"Well, they did!" I interrupted

"You know they wouldn't have done it on purpose" He sighed

"So now you're also siding with them?" I rolled my eyes

"No, I'm trying to help you"

"You're not doing a very good job of it" I snapped "Maybe it would have been better if we had left that day"

"You don't mean that, you're just angry-"

"You're right! I am fucking angry! And I have every right to be-"

"No, Tasha-"

"I do! The shit they say about her, it's fucked up! How can you stand here and side with them?! She's my best mate, Sam! I thought you might at least understand!"

"Look, go to bed and you'll feel better in the morning" He sighed

"Oh shut up!" I snapped "Stop treating me like a child!"

"Then stop acting like one!"

"I thought you loved me!"

"I do!"

"Well, you don't bloody act like it!"

"Because you're being overdramatic and ridiculous!" He snapped and we both fell silent "Tasha, I-"

"No, I get it" I shook my head "I'm going to bed, but not with you, now go!" I glared at him and once he was gone, I headed inside again, slamming the door shut, I kicked off my boots and changed into my shorts and Georgia's old shirt. Before I left, I grabbed one of Sam's shirts and made my way to the living room

I grabbed a duvet and pillow, and throwing them onto the sofa, I fell asleep, wearing G's shirt, and clutching Sam's


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