Snog Marry Pie

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Natasha POV

I woke up last out of everyone after last night with Sam, I changed into a simple black bikini and a pair of denim shorts. Adding my white wedges to it and putting my hair in a loose fishtail 

 Adding my white wedges to it and putting my hair in a loose fishtail 

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I grabbed my water bottle and headed to the kitchen for breakfast where I found Georgia, Laura, and Dani

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I grabbed my water bottle and headed to the kitchen for breakfast where I found Georgia, Laura, and Dani

"Hey guys" I smiled

"Hello, did you have fun last night?" Georgia smirked and the other 2 looked confused

"Why? What happened?" Dani asked

"Did you two do it?" Laura's eyes were wide

"No! Nothing like that, Sam and I went for a midnight swim that's all" I explained

"Oh they did more than swimming, Josh and I saw it all" Georgia giggled

"We did snog but that's it" I confessed and they all laughed

"You look so happy" Dani gushed "And Sam adores you it's amazing"

"Do you really like him? Or do you think you could be happier?" Laura asked as we all sat down with our food. I looked across the lawn and saw Sam talking to Jack

"I am really happy with Sam, I mean he just makes me feel special and he's the only guy I want to be with right now" I smiled "I haven't stopped smiling yet"

"Aww, it's weird to think that you actually haven't been here that long, I'm closest with you and vice versa so to me I feel like you've been here with me the whole time, but you haven't" Georgia added

"Yeah, what do you guys think will happen now that Eyal and Megan called it off?" Dani asked but was cut off by Ellie's phone beeping

"I've got a text!" We made our way towards her on the day bed "Islanders, it's time to put your cards on the table and put your feelings out there in today's challenge 'Snog, Marry, Pie' #puckerup #dontholdback" She read out

"Shit!" I laughed and went to see Sam who was now sat with Josh and Adam "Hey babe" he pulled me onto his lap and kissed me

"Morning, you alright?"

"I'm nervous for this challenge" I sighed

"Well, we all know who you'll be snogging" he winked

"Yeah but no one's pissed me off since I've been in here" I rolled my eyes

"It'll be fine" He smiled

"I guess so" And then it was time for the challenge, the girls were standing by the table on the wood and the boys lined up in front of us on the lawn

Dani went first, she snogged Jack, married Alex and pied Adam, we all cheered for her. I was second, so I pretended to think about it, but immediately went to Sam, I placed my lips on his and he pulled me against him, but I pulled away before he could get his tongue in

Next, I went over to Wes and proposed to him, explaining that he was one of the funniest guys I had ever met. "Sorry babe," I said to Laura and him but they both laughed, finally I got a pie and looked at all the boy. I walked over to Josh and smashed it in his face "You shouldn't be crashing people's moments babe" I laughed and Georgia joined in 

Megan was third, she decided to snog Wes which Laura was not happy about, marry Jack and pied Eyal.

Georgia went next "Come on babe" I joked, she made her way over to Sam and snogged him

"Sorry girl" She apologised 

"It's fine" I shrugged. She continued on to obviously Marry Josh and pie Wes. Zara went after, she decided to snog Eyal, marry Adam and pie Jack, Ellie snogged Josh which Georgia looked so pissed off about but she then pied Alex. Laura obviously Married Wes and pied Adam

We then switched to the boys, Jack went first and made a beeline to snog Dani, he proposed to Laura and pied Zara which we all found hilarious. Wes went next, pissing Laura off by snogging Megan but marrying her instead and pied Georgia

Eyal was up and for some reason he walked over and placed his lips on mine, I kissed back but it didn't give me the same feeling as Sam, he then proposed to Dani and Jack started laughing and finally he pied Megan

Josh went next, for some reason he decided to snog me, and Georgia looked so amused, but he proposed to her and finally pied Laura. Alex decided to snog Megan, marry Samira and pie Ellie

"It's alright" I put a hand on her shoulder and she smiled lightly at me

Next up was Sam, he winked at me and walked straight to me, he grabbed my waist and crashed his lips onto mine, I put my hands on his chest and he finally pulled away, I blushed but he moved on to marry Georgia and he decided to pie Ellie

Last up was Adam, he looked around before kissing me lightly and Sam didn't look happy at all, marrying Zara and then he pied Laura, everyone laughed and cheered, while she was covered in cream

I lay on one of the day beds with Sam, after the challenge

"I can't believe that" I sighed "It was the people who were just so rude about it that pissed me off, like Alex, Eyal, Megan and Ellie who just didn't even try and be nice about it"

"I know, but at least neither of us got pied" 

"Yeah I am happy about that" I grinned

"Come here" he opened his arms and I lay my head on his chest while his arms wrapped around me and we lay there for the afternoon


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