Dinner with Jani

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Natasha POV

I woke up and realised that Sam wasn't in bed, so I sat up and headed outside to the kitchen

I crept up behind him and rested my head on his back "Morning babe" I said sleepily

"Hey love" He laughed "You look exhausted" he turned around to face me

"I feel it" I yawned

"Come on, you should go change" He laughed

"I had to see you before anything" I kissed his cheek and went upstairs to the dressing room

I wore a black bikini with some pattern on the top half and I did my hair in a loose ponytail and didn't bother with any makeup.

I wore a black bikini with some pattern on the top half and I did my hair in a loose ponytail and didn't bother with any makeup

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I was sunbathing with Laura by the pool, when I noticed Stephanie talking to Sam and Old Josh

"Fucks sake" I whispered


"Stephanie fancies Sam and she keeps saying how she doesn't care if I'm his girlfriend, and that she'll go for him anyway" I explained

"Do you trust him?" She sat up

"Yeah of course I do, but it's her that I don't trust" I nodded, 

"I've got a text!" Old Jack shouted

"Read it out!" I called back and looked at him on the day bed

"Jack and Dani and Tasha and Sam. Tonight you will be cooking dinner for the whole villa, first, it's time to head out shopping to buy the ingredients. Please get ready to leave immediately. #comedinewithjaniandtam #pressurecooker"

"Yes!" I cheered "Dani, you and I better do all the cooking or we might not survive" I joked

"Hey I can cook" Jack rolled his eyes

"What's your version of cooking" Sam laughed

"Let's do this!" Old Jack clapped as he followed Dani inside to get ready

"Well this will be a disaster" Old Josh groaned already

"We're all going to die" New Jack nodded. I laughed and went inside to go to change for this.

I finally decided on a tartan red crop top, with black high waisted shorts and black heels

I finally decided on a tartan red crop top, with black high waisted shorts and black heels

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"Let's go!" I clapped and Sam wrapped an arm around my shoulders as we headed out with Jack and Dani

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"Let's go!" I clapped and Sam wrapped an arm around my shoulders as we headed out with Jack and Dani

We walked through the town until we reached the supermarket

"What are we gonna cook?" Jack asked

"I'm thinking chicken curry" Dani shrugged

"It's way too hot" Sam shook his head

"What about a roast dinner?" Jack suggested

"Are you mad?" I laughed "We've got to cook for so many people!"

"What about fajitas?" Sam suggested

"Yes!" I clapped "Chicken fajitas!"

"Alright, we'll do it" Dani agreed and went to find ingredients "I can't read Spanish!"

"I'll do it" I laughed and found the rice, olive oil, and other ingredients, then we decided to go get cheese

"I want to try that one" Jack pointed to it and I looked at the clerk

"Hola, ?podemos probar algo de esto?" (Hi can we please try some of this" I asked and he nodded, cutting each of us a small bit

"That's good" Jack and Sam nodded and we bought the cheese

"?Y Dónde podemos encontrar la pechuga de pollo?" (And where can we find chicken breast?) I asked the man and he pointed to the shelves nearby "Graçias" I nodded and we headed over to them

We took the chicken and went to find vegetables, but Jack spotted something on our way to pay at the end

"Fishy Dani!" He laughed and took it off the shelf, we all burst out laughing

"I want to get one, cos it's got me name on it" Dani

"What, a fishy Dani?" Sam chuckled

"Yeah I want one" Dani grinned and we let her take it, and headed to the till

Jack decided to get Dani a wheely red shopping bag for us to put all the food in.

"We'll go wait outside" Sam nodded to them while they paid and he led me outside

"Today's been fun" I smiled up at him

"Yeah it has" He winked and placed a light kiss on my lips "And I heard the rumour about Steph liking me, but you should know that I'm not going to leave you"

"I do know that" I nodded "And I don't care if she wants to be with you, because you're mine" I grinned


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