Arrivals and Returns

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Natasha POV

We waited in silence until Alex's phone went off "The girl with the fewest votes and therefore dumped from the island is" Another text arrived "Grace" 

Georgia had west stains running down her cheeks, I pulled her into a hug and she clutched me tightly

"You're ok babe, you're ok" I whispered "You ain't going anywhere" We all said our goodbyes to Grace who honestly didn't seem that bothered

I hugged Georgia tightly, the scariest thought was that I had almost lost her, the villa always goes quiet after someone has left. Everyone was just relaxing, until we heard a familiar voice

"I'm back!" Everyone turned and saw her. Megan. She was back, Wes saw her and ran over to hug her tightly which I noticed made Georgia clench her jaw but we went up anyways to welcome her back.

Wes looked so happy and I knew that Georgia had noticed this too, so I decided to pull Megan away for a chat

"Look, I know that you and Wes were happy, and you guys obviously still like each other but he is coupled up with Georgia and if you are going to try something, you have to realise that Josh also left her and she won't take any of it lightly

"I know that and I don't want to upset her at all but I do still fancy Wes and I know I make him happy but it depends if he's ready to get back with me"

"I understand that but G's also my best friend so if you hurt her I won't take it lightly, she's been hurt enough in here" I added "Just tell her if you want him otherwise this won't end well for anyone" And with that I walked away to sit on Sam's lap at the fire pit

But then 2 new boys walked in. We all waved and shouted back to them but we all went over to meet them, Josh explained what was going on since someone had just been dumped

Kieran and Idris told us about themselves and I noticed that Idris was checking Georgia and I out, I knew he was her type but not mine. Obviously Sam noticed this because his grip on me tightened and he made a point of mentioning how happy he was

I looked around and saw Megan and Wes talking, so I decided to speak with Georgia, Sam just followed me because he obviously doesn't like Idris.

"He's into you" I told her "He's been looking at you all evening"

"You as well" Sam added and I rolled my eyes

"I know that but I'm happy and safe with you and Wes is getting back on track with Megan, therefore Georgia is free to play the field and he's not my type" I explained "Go talk to him!" She laughed but did anyway and I could tell that they got along

Sam and I spent the rest of the evening cuddling and then it was finally time for bed, I changed into a loose shirt and shorts. Noticing that Georgia and Idris were laughing while she took her makeup off

I went to sit on the end of my bed when I spotted Wes saying something to Georgia she nodded sadly and he then went outside, followed shortly by Megan. I rolled my eyes but just then Sam appeared so I climbed into bed with him, falling asleep as the little spoon

The next morning while the lads had a debrief with the new boys, I changed into a simple black bikini top with floral bottoms and did my hair up in a loose ponytail

The next morning while the lads had a debrief with the new boys, I changed into a simple black bikini top with floral bottoms and did my hair up in a loose ponytail

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I was sat outside talking to Ellie and Laura on the swing, everyone was excited about the new boys except for Dani, Kaz and I who were all in relationships

Natasha: Kieran and Idris are good looking lads, but every lad in here is good looking, and I know who I want and that's Sam, he's my boyfriend and I have never been so happy in my entire life so I'm not looking for anyone new and my head has not been turned

During the day, I realised Idris and Kieran were grafting on Laura and Georgia

"I'm so confused" I complained to Sam "I know that us, Dani and Jack, Kaz and Josh and Ellie and Charlie are all happy, but Laura and Jack have been going off and on, Wes is sort of back with Megan leaving Georgia single to graft the new boys who are also interested in Laura, and now Alex is single because Grace left"

"I know what you mean" He nodded "Yesterday if someone asked me what would happen at a recoupling I would have had a rough guess, but now I'm so bloody confused" he agreed "Let's go for a swim" We both went swimming, and then Kieran got a text that him and Idris would both take a girl out of their choice for a date tonight

That evening I changed into a white shirt with lace and a pair of blue and white shorts, I also had some thick white heels with it

That evening I changed into a white shirt with lace and a pair of blue and white shorts, I also had some thick white heels with it

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That evening Georgia went on a date with Kieran which she was very excited for and Idris chose to take Laura. I was sitting with the lads while New Jack was stressing out about Laura being on a date with Idris

When they finally got back I could tell that New Jack was relieved and Laura was happy to see him because she went straight to him and hugged him tightly.

Sam still hated the thought of Idris liking me, so we went inside early because he was nervous that Idris would try and graft on me, which I found very amusing to watch Sam get so jealous


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