Something Special

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Natasha POV

I woke up with Sam again, I smiled as soon as I saw him and kissed his forehead before climbing out of bed and going to change with Georgia into my swimsuit. I wore a dark blue and white bikini with a pair of black sandals and I left my hair natural

 I wore a dark blue and white bikini with a pair of black sandals and I left my hair natural

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Sam was sitting awake in bed so I sat on his lap as he kissed my hair,

"Awww" Jack made a kissy face at us so I threw my pillow at him, which hit its target. I laughed and went to make a smoothie for breakfast, everyone was lounging around when Sam came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist

"Morning love" He whispered and kissed my neck

"Hi" I blushed

"Alright you two no need to act all lovey-dovey in front of us" Laura laughed

"You act more like a couple than we do" Dani gestured between her and Jack and I started laughing

"I'm going to go swimming with Eyal" I kissed Sam on the cheek and went to dive in the water

Hours later we were all lying on the bean bags when Georgia got a text "Islanders, it's time to test how well you know your other half in today's challenge... 'If you don't know me by now' #onthesamepage #whenyouknowyouknow"

"Let's do this!" Sam cheered and pulled me onto his lap, making me giggle, we all gathered around the fire pit and Jack and Dani were our hosts

"First question, Boys: Where was your girl born?" They asked, I wrote down my answer and flipped it to reveal 'Newcastle' and luckily Sam wrote the same thing 

"Second Question: What is your girl's middle name?" I wrote my answer and on time we flipped our boards and on both was written 'Alexandra'

"Third Question: How many sexual partners has your boy had?" I thought for a minute before answering my answer read '40' but his said '25' so we got that one wrong

"Fourth Question: What is your boy's biggest turn off?" I was thinking hard on that one before writing down 'Arrogance' And luckily he wrote down the same thing

"Fifth Question: What is your girl's favourite sex position?" I laughed a bit and wrote down 'Spooning' and Sam put down the same thing which made me laugh

"Sixth Question: How many sexual partners has your girl had?" I blushed and wrote down my answer but before I turned it I looked at Sam and said

"I am only 21 remember that" I laughed and flipped my board to reveal '14' and he wrote down, '10-15' giving us another point

"Seventh Question: Who would your boy couple up with if you weren't here?" I looked at all the other girls before writing down 'Zara' But when he flipped his it read 'No one' Everyone cheered and I laughed while blushing furiously at how sweet he was

"Eighth Question: What is your boy's favourite food?" I thought of Sam before writing down 'Nandos' which somehow was correct

"Ninth Question: What is your girl's favourite sport?" I wrote down 'Football' and he wrote 'Dancing'

"That's not classified as a sport babe" I laughed "It's an art" he chuckled and shrugged

"Tenth Question: What is your boy's favourite thing to do in his free time?" I thought about what I knew from Sam and wrote down 'Playing with his dog' which he said as well, so we finished off that game with 7 points putting us in 3rd behind Jack and Dani in 1st and Laura and Wes in 2nd

I spent the rest of the day sunbathing with Georgia until we heard Laura and Wes fighting, which later added onto Ellie and Alex fighting. 

I was wearing a blue floral two-piece romper and red chunky heels with my hair curled

I was wearing a blue floral two-piece romper and red chunky heels with my hair curled

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After calming Ellie down I went over to sit on Sam's lap with Josh there "I'm so sick of all this fighting, it's doing my head in" I complained

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After calming Ellie down I went over to sit on Sam's lap with Josh there "I'm so sick of all this fighting, it's doing my head in" I complained

"Tonight, we're doing something special, I said I would, I'll leave you something at the end of our bed" He kissed my cheek and buried his face in the crook of my neck. When I had taken off all my makeup, at the end of my bed was a small bag, I opened it to find a bikini and a note

Meet me on the lawn at midnight

-Sam Xx

I grinned to myself and put on the bikini under my shirt and shorts, set a timer and lay down, waiting until my phone started vibrating. When it did, I slipped out of the room quietly and left my pyjama's on my bed

 When it did, I slipped out of the room quietly and left my pyjama's on my bed

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I walked onto the lawn and saw Sam standing by the edge of the pool, 

"You look beautiful" He whispered

"Thanks" I blushed "What are we doing here?" I asked

"Well.." He smiled slightly but before I could say anything else, he picked me up bridal style and threw me in the pool, I emerged spluttering and he jumped in with me. We were chasing each other around the pool, until he pulled me under, and cupped my face pressing his soft lips to mine, 

We both put our heads above the water, my legs were wrapped around his waist and he held me close, we looked at each other until his lips crashed into mine, I responded immediately and ran my fingers through his hair

His tongue slipped into my mouth and there was no space between our bodies

"Well, well, well, so this is what you get up to at midnight?" We broke apart to see a grinning Josh and Georgia, we laughed and got out of the pool creeping back in quietly to change before slipping into bed again

"Goodnight love" Sam kissed me once more, before wrapping his arms around me and we both dozed off together


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