Chapter 9: Stalkers and bruises

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Sam and I sat down when we heard running coming from the hallway. Sarah pushed open the door like there was no tomorrow. She was puffing as she closed and leaned on the door with her back and slowly slid down it until her butt hit the floor.

“Uhh what happened?” I asked Sarah blankly.

“Matt, Sign, Outside, NOW!” Sarah stuttered as she stood up and pulled me out of the room by my wrist.

Sarah pulled me outside and Sam followed. As we opened the door all I could see was thousands of fans screaming and taking photos.

“I can’t see him!” I yelled to Sarah so she could hear me over the roaring fans.

Before Sarah could answer a megaphone Siren silenced everyone outside. Emily came out to have a look but as soon as she walked off the bus all of the boys walked outside to see what was going on. Emily ran and slid underneath the bus just before Harry walked out the door.

“You are going to regret this Emma! Remember I know where you live!” said a voice in the crowd.

Suddenly the crowd parted and a familiar figure walked to the front. “MATT?!” I screamed in horror.

I turned to my evil side and marched right up to Matt with an evil stare in my eyes.

“Now look here Matt, I don’t care what the paparazzi say about me but I cannot stand you at all! I never did! You are a creep! You called me every hour of every day! Even if I was at work! I sent you a text saying I am at work and that I couldn’t talk. Then less than five minutes later you sent me another text asking me what I was doing. You even called me at inappropriate times of the night like 11pm where I was meant to be sleeping! If you ask me that is not what any normal person would ever do!” I said sternly

Matt jerked his head from side to side checking for security guards and punched me in the right eye!  I fell to the ground right there and then and I hit the back of my head on the concrete as I fell. I didn’t want anyone to see me cry so I got up straight away and ran back inside with one of my hands behind my throbbing head.

I walked out onto the stage looking out into the empty auditorium thinking “In a couple of hours this place will be full of people and Matt is going to be one of them unless the police catch him before the concert begins.” Thinking of it like that really sent a chill down my spine. Even though I wasn’t singing or anything but I was still scared for the boys!

I ran and jumped off the stage and sat in the seats right at the back up on the balcony so I wouldn’t be seen by anyone. I broke into tears and went into my twitter on my phone and saw that I went from 1,080 followers to over 100,000 in those couple of hours. I went into my interactions and read some of the tweets people have sent to me. I read a few that were really nice saying that they are happy for us and that they love us. But there was one or two saying that I don’t deserve to be Niall’s girlfriend saying that he is theirs and stuff. I didn’t reply to those tweets because I didn’t want to start a thing with the paparazzi saying that I am rude to fans or something stupid like that.

I heard around 3 people calling out my name so I slid down my seat and sat on the floor where no one could see me. About five minutes later the 3 voices turned into the one smooth, sexy, Irish voice I loved.  I couldn’t bare to have him see me in the state I was in so I quickly wiped the tears away from my eyes and went into the happy place in my mind which is where I always went when I was upset about something.

“Emma, I know you are in here! I can feel it!” Niall shouted into the arena.

I looked between the two seats in front of me. I saw Niall get off the stage and walk down every aisle looking in every row of seats.

“I am going to find you even if it takes forever!” Niall shouted.

This time I yelled back “I’m over here” I yelled as I slowly sat up on the seat.

Niall saw me and ran up to me. I felt his soft hands wrap around my waist as he sat down next to me.

“Show me your eye” He said sympathetically. “How is it?”

“Sore” I responded.

Niall had a look at it closely. “It might get a bit bruised by the end of the night but nothing Lou can’t do to hide it.” He said lifting me to my feet.

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