Chapter 10: makeup, fun and laughter

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We walked to Lou’s makeup room holding hands the whole time.

“Back for the third time?” Lou asked me as Niall and I entered through the door.

“Yeah, I got punched in the face and I’m starting to get a black eye. I am probably going to have to get some extra foundation on it so no one will be able to see it.”

Niall left me to go find the other lads and go back to their practice.

“So which eye is it?” Lou asked as I sat down on the chair.

She examined my face carefully so she could make it look like nothing has happened even though the bruise hadn’t started to form yet. She opened up her own personal makeup bag and pulled out a tube of concealer. “This should help a bit but I will have to put more foundation on too so it will look like there is no bruise even there.” Lou informed me.

Lou put my makeup and concealer on but she took her time as she had to have it perfect if I wanted to have it look like there was nothing there in the first place.

After Lou finished I checked myself in the small round mirror she handed me.

“So you’re sure that no one will notice my black eye when it starts to form then?” I asked whilst looking at myself closely.

“Definitely! You will look like nothing has even happened to you!” Lou said with a confident smile plastered on her face.

Suddenly Niall, Harry, Louis, Zayn and Liam burst into the room and laughter filled the room.

“What’s so funny?” I asked the boys

They all fell to the ground because they were laughing.

“Ginomenose! You seem to be able to speak a bit. TELL ME WHAT IS FUNNY….. NOWW!” I yelled cheekily.

“DO NOT…CALL ME…GINOMENOSE…EVER!!” Liam yelled back while on his hands and knees.

Niall got up and sat on Liam’s back making him fall face flat onto the ground.

“That nose should be squished now. Maybe Danielle can actually reach you when you try to kiss each other for once.” Niall said cheekily

“NO! NOT COOL NIALL!!! NOT COOL AT ALL!!!!” Liam said angrily

Niall got off Liam and jokingly put on a sad face and pulled out a half eaten chocolate chip cookie and held it out in front of him. Liam whacked it out of his hand trying to scowl but it failed and turned into a smile.

“Geez Niall I know you would probably die if I actually ate that cookie!” Liam said.

Niall gave Liam a gigantic bear hug and Liam just stood there awkwardly with his hands locked by his side from Niall’s arms wrapped around his body. Niall finally let go after what felt like 5 minutes to Liam.

“Bro, I know you love me but I didn’t think like that!” Liam said jokingly.

Before anyone could say anything else I screamed at the top of my lungs “SOMEBODY TELL ME WHAT YOU WERE ALL LAUGHING FOR!!!!”

“OH MY GOSH I FORGOT!” Harry said as he grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the room to outside.

Harry opened the door in front of me and pulled me outside. I stood there in silence with my mouth wide open.

Sarah was there sticking up for me with the megaphone screaming at Matt and almost attacking him. She probably would’ve if she didn’t have the security guards holding her back.

I slowly walked over and I heard everyone in the crowd and Sam shouting the same chant over and over. They were screaming “MATT SUCKS BALLS, MATT SUCKS BALLS!”

I broke into laughter and I then fell to the ground sitting with my legs out to the side with my hands on the ground and head down.

“I know why you guys were laughing so much!!” I said to Niall through my laughter.

Niall just nodded his head and stood there with his arms crossed like a boss.

Paul suddenly came running out like a chicken who has lost it’s head. He rounded all of us up and he was screaming “Sound check was starting in 5 minutes” over and over again.

We all got inside and Paul rushed Niall, Louis, Harry, Liam and Zayn side stage. Sarah Sam and I all followed to watch sound check from side stage with Paul, security and management.

As we all stood behind the stage curtains we heard the sound check fans come in. It sounded like there was around 50 of them streaming in through the doors screaming and chanting “One Direction, One Direction” over and over again. I even heard a few of them scream “Matt sucks balls” a couple of times too.

The countdown started for sound check as there was only 2 minutes left. As the countdown slowly got to 10 seconds left the 50 girls screamed and counted down with the timer on the big screen.

After the countdown the boys all grabbed their personalized microphones and ran on stage fist pumping the air and Niall even did one of his kick jumps.

Liam asked everyone how they were doing and they all replied with “GOOOOOD” In harmony like they have rehearsed it or something.

“That’s good” Niall said into his microphone.

They started off with singing a part of What makes you beautiful and then signaling to the sound desk whether their earpiece sound had to be louder, softer or if it was perfect.

Just before the boys started on the next song I ran outside to see what Emily was doing. As I walked outside one if the girls spotted me and screamed “LOOK IT’S EMMA!” followed by screaming from everywhere. I gave a quick wave as I walked to the tour bus where Emily was.

I stepped into the bus to find Emily watching the Up All Night Tour DVD on the Bus’s TV.

“How are you going Em?” I asked

She looked at me and gave me the thumbs up then looked back at the TV screen to continue on watching the Up All Night Tour DVD.

“Okay well I should be back when the guys go back on stage for the actual concert which starts in about half an hour now. I’ll get Sam to come out and get you. Don’t forget though Harry has no idea you are here so stay low! Okay?” I said over the sound from the TV.

“Yep” Emily replied.

I stepped off the bus to hear screaming again. I never thought I could get this famous just for being Niall’s girlfriend. It was even weirder because Niall and I only started dating at lunch time.

I went over to the fans and signed a couple of posters and notebooks. None of them had pictures of me yet as none of the girls have probably been anywhere near a printer or something to print any pictures off since early morning. Like around 2am or maybe even earlier.

After I finished with the signing I went back inside to watch the rest of the sound check. The boys were already up to I want which was the last song in the concert.

After that finished the boys got to chill out and sit backstage for about 10 minutes while all the fans came into the arena and sat in their seats. Everyone backstage could hear all of the girls screaming and chanting “One Direction, One Direction” over and over again like the sound check girls. But it was louder because instead of 50 or so girls screaming and chanting, there were over a thousand girls.

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