The Sisters of Quiet Mercy

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Cheryl's Pov

I was stuck in that stupid car journey for half an hour, but the whole journey all I could think about is how I just left her, I left her standing there, right infront of my house, watching my mother rip me away. Shove me in the car and leave her, for all I know Toni could still be stood there in that same place, waiting. Waiting for any kind of sign, whether thats my mom coming back, or nothing at all.

When we arrived, two tall men in white doctors robes and masks came out to the car and grabbed me, pulled me away. They pulled me away from my life, everyone that I loved, they wanted to change me, but that was never going to happen.

I was assigned a room, plain white walls and a crappy metal frame bed, there was one window, that was blurred, so you couldn't see outside, and no one could see in. I got changed into the standard 'patients' robe and a red cardigan and collapsed on my bed and broke down, and I just cried and cried for hours and hours without stopping. That was until an elderly lady in a white dress with a cross around her neck came into the room and starting shaking her head at me.

"Now now young lady, whats wrong, your safe here" I felt a smile fade across my face.

"Thank you, sister.." Then another man appeared through the door with a trolley with needles on it and wheeled it next to me.

"Your mother told us about all those...naughty, demons inside of your head, controlling your feelings.." suddenly the smile went away

" no no they aren't bad"

"Tut tut tut little girl, but its ok, we are going to make you all better" I wanted to scream but I knew no one would hear. "Today, you must rest, but tomorrow, the real conversion begins"

The man picked up the biggest needle off of the metal cart, I knew that my mother would punish me, but I never expected anything like this.

Toni's Pov   

As soon as Cheryl's mom drove away I collapsed on the floor and started crying, I was speechless, I couldn't even say bye to her before she was taken away, and I felt like it was all my fault. If I got her home quicker, and we went the faster way, her mom would have never seen us two together, and if I didnt have feelings for her, that moment would never have happened, it was all my fault that Cheryl was gone, and I always knew Penelope was bad, but I never expected this.

I got up and onto my bike, forgetting about my helmet and drove back to my trailer as fast as I could, when I arrived I ran straight into my bedroom and fell onto my bed with my head in my hands, knowing that I had just torn her life to pieces. I didnt even know if she was safe or OK, but since her mom was the one too blame I wouldnt doubt it if she was neither safe nor OK. I decided to ring her, see if she had her phone on her, too check on her. i scrolled down my contacts until I found 'Bombshell❤️🍒 '. I clicked on her name and waited....and waited...and waited, I let it ring until I finally reached the answer machine.

"Hi, I probably and too busy to return your call right now, but leave a message and I will reply if I feel like it"


"Hi, Cheryl, it's Toni, but you probably know that because of the contact, I just wanted to say that Im so... so sorry for tonight and what your mom did to you, and no matter what, I'm going to find you, even if that takes me years, and then I promise, you will never be alone again."                                  

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