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Cheryls Pov
As soon as I saw the needles I started to freak out, no way was I letting someone inject some chemicals into me to fix me, I started moving around as much as I could so they couldnt give me the shot, I even started screaming to try and get them to stop.
"Hold still Girly, you wont even feel the pain." I started at Sister right in the eyes, to atleast try and intimidate her.
"No, no way are you injecting that crap into my body" I jumped up off the bed to get away from her.
"You need to listen to me girly, if you want to change."
"What if I dont want to change."
"Oh you will, but first of all your going to learn to listen to me, come on, we are going to the barn."
The two men next to her grabbed me and picked me up and carried me to the barn, no matter how much i struggled and moved they wouldnt even loosen there grip in the slightest.
"Stop, please stop, I dont want to go, I dont want to be here." I screamed on top of my lungs to try and get any kind of help, but I got nothing.
"Girly, I want you to move all of these sacks from here to the east side of the barn ok, I will be back in an hour, you better be finished."
I expected the bags to weigh nothing, but they were one of the heaviest things I had ever carried in my life, it took me what felt like hours just to move one bag, by the time that I had moved all of them every single bone in my body hurt.
"Are you done, Blossom?"
"Yes Sister Woodhouse" It hurt to even get that out.
"Oh no, you have moved all the bags to the East corner when I clearly said the West, you need to start Listening! I will be back in half an hour, if they havent all moved by then, you will be punished."
"What...this is punishing enough"
"Times ticking girly, better hurry up."
The next half an hour of my life was the most physically gruelling time of my life, if I thought I was in pain before this time it was ten times worse, I didnt understand how this had anything to do with changing my sexuality or making me listen, its almost as if my mother just sent me away to get tortured, which honestly wouldnt surprise me at this point. Just as I dragged the last bad across the floor Sister Woodhouse came back into the barn.
"Movie time, clean yourself up Cheryl!"
I followed her into a small cinema with church pews for seats, there were a few other boys and girls around my age already sat down, when I went in I was expecting a good movie, something I could use to take my mind off of the awful events of the past hours. But they sat us down and forced us to watch a movie all about whats wrong with being gay and why we shouldnt be it, but the whole time my mind faded away to the memories of being with Toni over the past few days and how she made me so happy, I could almost hear her in my head, but before I knew it the film was over and we were sent back to our rooms, which gave me a sense of relief, being able to go back into my own private area where no one could see me cry, at this moment it was all I wanted. But when I got there, the silence just made me think about what my mother had ruined, how she had driven away heather, and now she would drive away the only person I care about, Toni Topaz.

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