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so one guessed who the person was lmfao
not gonna say who it is, but like, good job m8 👏

after all the activities, they all went inside.

since today they didn't have any learning,they were allowed to go to ; other classes, sleep, play outside again, and be on their phones.

but, since two more students were added mr.kim decided to change up the groups. since there is now an uneven amount of students, so mr.kim needed a group that consisted of three.

ever since taeyong and yukhei came into their class, all the girls (and some boys) wanted to change partners. when mr.kim asked 'who would like taeyong to be in their group?' almost everyone raised their hands. mr.kim sighs in frustration.

"nevermind, ten you're changing partners with taeyong." ten's mouth agapes, he sputters, "w-wha— nANi?" mr.kim shakes his head, "if you want to know, i'll tell you after class." ten nods, but looks at taeyong who was still sleeping peacefully.

"and yukhei, you can join felix's group. felix raise up your hand." a guy with orange hair raises up his hand, saying in a really deep voice kind of deeper than yukhei's, "hey."

yukhei walks over to him and sits down, having a small chat with him and introducing yukhei to their other partner, changbin.

ten leans on his palm, mumbling, "how come i never saw felix before."

taeyong says sleepily, "maybe because you don't pay attention in class." ten glares at him, but his eyes only met with the back of taeyong's head. on the opposite side, taeyong was smirking.

sorry for the crappy chapter, i'm always making short chapters ;_;

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