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  i'm so late to halloween wtf is life anymore
isn't it ironic that me and my editor (that makes my covers and helps me out sometimes) have the same name in both vietnamese and english

  everybody sat on the bus gloomily with their hair covering their eyes, hoods on, and giving everyone the 'please save me' look.

  mr.kim snorted at everyone's expressions. "it's not that bad." "yeah totally!" yelled a guy in the back. "shut it yuta! everybody knows you'll scream even louder today than last year." mr.kim said, earning a few giggles from the other students. yuta huffed and crossed his arms, staring out of the window angrily.

the boy next to him with blonde hair comforted him and held his hand, yuta smiled widely and squeezed the boy's cheeks giddily.

"w-woA- FUCK!" screamed a boy, his partner screamed right after. the two rushed in with a flush face and heavy breathing.

mr.kim watched them fall to the ground with a small grin.

"okay.. ha woosung and park jeongmin, you guys are up." mr.kim said and two boys stood up groaning. once they stepped in, the screaming already started.

one of the girls near the curtain curiously peeked in and laughed. "what's so funny?" ten asked, nudging her. "woosung slipped on fake blood and fell into one if the ghosts. woosung didn't scream, it was the ghost i think." ten smiled and peeked in, only to have a paper ball thrown at him.

ten turned around and saw taeyong waving him over. he crawls over and taeyong immediately has his arms wrapped around ten. "what?" ten mumbled and looked up at taeyong. "nothing, i just wanted to hug you." taeyong responded with a smirk.

  "ew," ten said. 

  "taeyong and yuta, it's your guy's turn." mr.kim said with a big smile. taeyong stood up, his arms unraveling from ten, making ten whine a little. "why can't i go with taeyong?" ten asked with a pout. taeyong swore his heart combusted.

"oh, but you're going with xiaojun? are you sure?" mr.kim said and looked at the sleepy chinese male. "oh," ten responded with a grin, "nevermind."

  xiaojun transferred here last year on halloween, absolutely not a good day to choose to transfer. it was sad and funny at how xiaojun was running for his life. ten knew xiaojun swore under his breath he would never live the next day, but here he is going through the same crisis.

  "taeyong and yuta go in." mr.kim commanded and the said males went inside the hallway.

  immediately screams were heard. ten swore one of them was taeyong because he heard a couple of words of him rapping. and for yuta, ten was pretty sure he was screaming out cuss words in japanese.

  it wasn't long before taeyong and yuta came crashing into the room, tripping each other at the process.

  "hey watch it yuta!" taeyong yelled and kicked yuta off him. yuta snorted and rubbed his stomach, "it was your fault that we tripped!" the two kept bickering until they were gripping each others shirts and balling up their fists.

  mr.kim watched amusingly, but immediately stepped in between the two. "you two can shut it, it's time for ten and xiaojun to go."

um i hate myself but i'm going to skip ten and xiaojun ;w; it's not even october anymore wishakjsks

  ten and taeyong sat down on the bus exhaustingly.

  "was it fun screaming?" ten teased and poked taeyong's red cheeks. "s-shut up. it's not like you screamed either." taeyong said back. "tch." ten mumbled and sighed deeply, "i'm exhausted." "oh wow, i never knew that. note the sarcasm. everyone here is tired and dying." taeyong groaned softly.

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