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a few hours ago

"wow, you actually remember where i live." ten said in amazement. taeyong just shrugged, "can i get water? my throat is killing me." "die." ten snickered and slammed the door closed. taeyong rolled his eyes and opened the door. "just get me a fucking water bottle."

ten ignored him and tried to open the door as quickly as possible.

taeyong was right behind him and was laughing his head off when ten kept placing the wrong key. "jackpot!" yelled ten, and the door clicked and unlocked. taeyong stopped laughing and grabbed ten's wrist before he could go in.

"there's no way i'm leaving until i get some water." taeyong felt his throat getting dryer and dryer.

ten rolled his eyes and yanked back his wrist. "fine, come in then." taeyong smirked in triumph. ten punched the air and whispered asshole.

"ten you're home- oh?" yukhei stepped into the hallway and dropped his plate of croissants. "yeah, did we scare you or something?" ten asked and took off his shoes.

taeyong just stood there with his hands in his pockets. "o-oh nOoO." yukhei said and hurriedly picked up his ruined croissants and when back to the kitchen.

'so he does really live here now.' taeyong thought and watched yukhei run away.

sorry for a short chapter :((

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