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chapter 30 might be the end..

BTW there's going to be a lot of time skips

  "you what?!" ten says in surprise.

  hai, or jin (because he thinks his last name is more fitting) nods. "i saw few guys surrounding a guy with red hair. he was trying to get out the car and i saw blood on him. it was really scary, i wanted to help, but i didn't want to get hurt like the red guy." chenle shivers as he recalls the memory. "the people who were attacking the guy forced him into a car. i heard screaming and a few words, but i don't remember because someone saw me.. a-and.. i don't know." ten frowns and wipes away the tears that were falling from chenle's face. "i think he was hitting me. i can't remember because i blacked out, but when i woke up my body was bleeding and hurting, i also saw the car driving towards the airport."

"the airport?.." ten asks softly, jin nods. "yeah, the airport."

"doyoung?" ten turns around to face the said male who was on his phone. "when did taeyong's dad leave for japan again?" doyoung furrow his eyebrows, "how am I supposed to know?" ten snorts. "ask the maids." doyoung sighs and puts his phone is his pocket, "fine."


  doyoung deeply sighs, he tapped the wheel annoyingly. "can you not?" taeil says, glaring at doyoung's finger. doyoung scoffs and starts poking taeil's side. taeil jerks and slaps doyoung. "no need to be triggered you old hag." "excuse me?!" taeil says loudly, his hand over his heart as if doyoung hurt his heart.

  "we're here," doyoung says, suddenly stopping the car. taeil huffs and opens the door and steps out. he shivers and rubs his arms, "should've brought a jacket." taeil grumbles and follows doyoung. doyoung smirks at the freezing hyung.

  doyoung knocked on the large wooden door a few times until a tired looking maid answered. "if you're looking for mr.lee, he's not here," she says, a sigh following after. "we're not meeting him, we just want to know when he left for japan." the maid lifts one of her eyebrows, "why?" "just tell us," taeil demands grumpily. she sighs. "fine, he left on new years at night. happy?" when both males nod their heads, she slams the door close.

  "what a bitch," taeil pouts and scrunches up his nose. doyoung laughs and shakes his head, "well at least we know that taeyong's dad took him." "i guess," taeil shrugs.

   "has taeyong ever bother to tell ten that his father is a mafia?" taeil asks, rubbing his eyes tiredly. doyoung shrugs, "pretty sure ten knows, it's kind of obvious." taeil presses his lips into a straight line and nods.


  "yeah of course i knew," ten says softly while drinking his third or fourth cup of coffee. doyoung looks at him with distaste and worry. "oh god, please don't become jaemin." ten rolls his eyes and sets down his cup. "for some reason taeyong would worry about you finding about his dad, man he was so annoying," doyoung chuckles and downs ten's coffee before he could even drink more. ten pouts and glares at doyoung. "I've heard of taeyong's dad before and his family, i somehow forgot most of their names."


  "i'm gong to call him," ten says, staring at taeyong's contact. jaehyun widens his eyes and chokes on his water. "w-what?" he coughed and wiped his mouth. ten frowns, "i'm going to call taeyong. if he answers, great! if not, then fuck." "but ten, we tried many times to call him." jaehyun says sadly. ten's frown deepens, "well maybe because you guys were calling him, what if i called him instead."

  doyoung lifts his head off the table and scoffs, "it's very unlikey that taeyong will answer." ten pouts, "mood killer." doyoung just shakes his head and puts his head back on the table.

  ten stares at taeyong's contact then presses the call button. ten bit his lip eagerly waiting for taeyong to answer. but instead on the fourth ring the call ended, ten finally releases the breath that he didn't he was holding in for so long. "i-i'll call again.." ten says sadly. jaehyun watches ten call taeyong again, he could tell that ten was on the verge of tears.

  this time when ten called again, the call was immediately hung up.

  "sorry this-"

  and that's when ten starts crying, blocking out jaehyun's and doyoung's voices who were trying to comfort him.

don't cry - taeten Where stories live. Discover now