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before reading i want to explain something about this story.

1. some did guess the person, but i decided to change it because..
i don't know. i guess i didn't like how the story would turn up (stan got7 ya hoes). so the person was in fact, *hits the table dramatically* joHnNy. yes the one and only seo youngho. pretty obvious huh?
but *dramatic noises when the conflict starts* johnny as the person wasn't my first idea.
he was actually my third idea lmao.
since i changed the people, someone guessed it aGaInNn. :))
so heres the story plot with johnny as the person i guess :
1. ten hears taeyong and johnny talk on the phone and taeyong saying johnny's name.
2. a close friendship that they both had in the past, but johnny moved to chicago since his father landed a new job there.
3. they meet again at school, but neither one of them bothered to care.
4. they meet again at the wedding and start having a friendship again.
5. taeyong gets annoyed.

so yeah.

let the chapter begInNn *trumpet noises*

taeyong clenched his fists.

he raised them up and punched the gray punching bag in front of him.

taeyong heaved out a deep sigh and grabs his water bottle on the floor, he uncaps it and takes a big gulp of the cold, refreshing water.

he wipes the sweat on his forehead away and grabs the small white towel, which was carelessly thrown on to the ground, and wraps it around his shoulders.

taeyong pushes the glass doors and squints his eyes. the sun's rays blinds him and he immediately has his hand shielding his eyes.

"working out in the morning is never a good idea." grumbles taeyong. "agreed." doyoung says beside him. "holy fuck. don't walk so silently!" gasps taeyong, he places his hand on his heart, and sure enough it was beating fast.

doyoung grins and nudges taeyong's rib, "you get so scared easily, but when you fight it's like nothing can beat you." taeyong nods in agreement.

"isn't today your brother's wedding? when does it start?" doyoung asks while stretching. "mhm." taeyong just responds and stretches out his leg. "you can't be like this forever taeyong. it wasn't his fault that your family is like this."

"yes he was. he is the oldest, most loved, spoiled, and no one cares if he creates a crime. well maybe except his wife." taeyong rolls his eyes and rolls up his sleeves, revealing his veiny arm.

"you're father was the one who influenced him taeyong." doyoung says and hits the back of taeyong's head. "yeah yeah. whatever, both of them created this reckless family." "might as well be the third one." doyoung says in between his fake coughs. taeyong rolls his eyes and starts the music.

"are you ready?" taeyong asks and watches donghyuck slide into one of his black dress shoes. "almost." mumbles donghyuck. jeno comes into the room with his blazer on his arm and his shirt untucked. "tuck your shirt in." taeyong demanded and eyes jeno who blows his black bangs in annoyance. "hey, don't be that type of teen who's going through their edgy phase and puberty at the same time."

donghyuck covers his mouth, hiding his laughter, but a small snort could be heard from him."rude." jeno said and stuck out his tongue at his hyung. also giving donghyuck the evil eye.

ten looks at himself in the mirror. sure the suit looks good on him, but ten is feeling a but insecure. not sure how taeyong's family will react if they see a random boy just come into this random wedding.

won't it be awkward to just sit around and only know five people? plus three of them might leave and one of them promised to not talk to the other.

ten sighs and opens his door.

"where are you going in that fancy attire?" jungwoo asks from the couch. the room was dull, only a few lights were seen through the window, but it was covered by the dark curtains.

"i'm going to a wedding." "oh really?" jungwoo leans onto his side and props himself up by his elbow. "who's the lucky dude?" jungwoo wiggles his eyebrows and has a big grin on his face. "ew no, and i don't know, it's taeyong's eldest brother's wedding."

"taeyong has an older brother?" ten shrugs and puts on his shoes, "i guess so." "well cya." "bye." ten grabbed his keys, phone and wallet, and walked out the door with a small wave.

"you're finally here!" jaemin shrieks in happiness. he runs up to ten with a big hug and wraps his arm around ten's, also clinging onto jeno's arm. "taeyong and the others are already inside, let's go!"

"yo." taeyong said as they walked in. he lifted up his hand gave them a small wave then proceeds to look down at his phone. ten walks up to him and just stands beside him. "you look nice." taeyong mumbles, his eyes still locked to his phone. ten blushes. "t-thank you?" taeyong smirks, "stuttering? i thought you would boast about yourself being beautiful."

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