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"where the hell are they?" shouted ten, getting weird looks from strangers. ten glared at them and glanced at his phone several times. "let's just go buy our suits now, they'll arrive soon." taeyong said and grabbed ten's arm. ten yanked his arm back, "there's no way i'm going with just you."

taeyong placed a hand over his heart, "wow, my heart hurts now." he faked sobbed and covered his face. ten snorted and stomped all the way to the store jaemin said to him to go.

taeyong grinned and ran to catch up with ten and lightly smack ten's head. ten glared at him and had to calm himself, blocking out the ideas of killing taeyong.

they stepped into the dark and fancy shop, several people bowed to them as they were standing near the door. it was very calming, which ten liked. taeyong seemed to like it also, ten watched taeyong's lips slowly lift up, but then immediately goes down into a frown.

ten chuckles and stuffs his hands in his pockets.


"so what?" taeyong muttered and looked at several black and gray suit jackets in front of him. "is there like a dress code?" ten asked. taeyong shrugged and pulled out his phone, "yeah, no bright colors like yellow or... pink. that's kinda gay to wear pink." ten gasped, "excuse you! my gay ass is oFFENDED." taeyong widened his eyes and quickly defended himself. "w-wait no! i'm bi and my family is just... kind of homophobic except for donghyuck and jeno.."

ten sighed. "okay, but i'm still offended." taeyong rolled his eyes.

soon taeyong and ten got their suits. "it'll be $289.43, sir." the lady behind the counter said,"cash or card." taeyong took out his wallet and pulled out a card. "i'll pay by card." he mumbled and swiped it.

the lady put the suits in a bag and gave them to taeyong. taeyong took ahold of them and walked away, ten was kind enough to wave goodbye back to the lady. the lady's smile got a bit brighter, must've been hard, not getting any goodbye waves in like forever.

taeyong saw mark, donghyuck, jeno, jaemin run up to the store, almost crashing into the taeten couple.

ten snorted and looked at jaemin's breathless body. "it looks like you ran 127 miles, what happened?" donghyuck pointed at jeno and mark, "these two idiots got lost and we had to fucking find them!"

taeyong covered his mouth, trying to keep himself from laughing. both mark and jeno glare at their hyung, taeyong smirked and looked away.

"well, okay. now go get your suits." ten pointed at the shop, jaemin and donghyuck walked in while jeno and mark talked to taeyong for a second.

they nodded and the jenmark (markno?) duo walked into the store with serious faces, different from when they were just goofing off a minute ago.

"something wrong?" ten asked and held out his hand for his bag. taeyong just shrugged and gave ten his bag. "it's nothing of your concern."

ten scoffs and just stands there, waiting for the four to come out so ten could go back home.

"it's either i have good hearing or the shop next to us is playing ko ko bop loudly?" ten mumbled and looked at the shop next to them. the glass were slightly tinted, but ten could see a couple of girls trying to sing ko ko bop. taeyong laughs and takes a video of the girls, "junmyeon oppar will be disappointed."

ten snorted. "it's not like you can sing either." taeyong chuckles, "both true and false, i have an amazing voice, but i mostly rap."

don't cry - taeten Where stories live. Discover now